August Akashic Magic: Restoration & Retreat
About this message…
The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the energy of August 2022.
Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease and clarity.
You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.
A few things to note:
1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records.
2. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.
3. The audio usually runs 12-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.
4. Information from the records is for self-contemplation and spiritual development and is not clinical or therapeutic advice.
* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)
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August 2022 Akashic Magic
Akashic Records for August 2022
As I was opening the records for August, I saw an image of softly falling snow.
And as that softly falling snow was coming to the ground, the image kind of shifted, and I saw a cabin in winter, and there was smoke rising from the chimney and warm lights on. And there was a sense of comfort and safety.
I saw the words retreat, restoration, and repair.
So that was the initial image that came up for August. Let's dive into this energy a little bit more. Our first question is:
What is the energy of August 2022?
August of 2022 feels like a month where the energy is slower.
I'm having a sense of stillness to this month - it feels like a month of not necessarily licking our wounds and regrouping, but there's that kind of retreat idea where if you had hurt yourself and you were to retreat and be on the mend - and do what you needed to take care of whatever the harm was - I feel like this is a month in which this is going to take place; it feels like a month of slowing down.
And I'm seeing an image of a stick of butter. And it's just slowly, slowly melting.
There's a sense this month of things coming to a standstill, or moving at a slower pace than what's been happening.
So I think that nicely brings me to the next question. And that is:
How is that energy likely to come and show up for us this month?
So what many of you are going to find - as August is a month of evaluation and reflection - I'm seeing somebody standing at a crossroads. And they've kind of have their finger on their chin and they're contemplating the paths before them.
It feels like it might be a month of that kind of contemplation, contemplating making choices, contemplating looking back and looking at the road that travelled you to where you are right now.
And contemplating all the different decisions that you made, in order to be in this spot at this new kind of juncture in front of you; it feels like a month for more stillness.
It feels like a month of going inward for many of you - a month where many will feel guided to turn inwards to do some sort of inner work, some sort of inner processing, it feels like a month where things are less busy.
And “many of you have been simplifying your schedules - or trying to” is what the Records are saying.
This feels like a month where you might start to see some results from that - and you might start to see that you release some obligations, or you cleared some energy around something (or you did some release work or something in July) to somewhat clear your schedule - whether that is tangibly with the activities that you do or even emotionally where you did some emotional process work.
So this feels like a month for turning inwards, and really being able to examine where you're at right now on your journey, and look at how to best move forward.
And that ties in really beautifully with my next question, which is:
How can we most constructively work with the energy of August of 2022?
August of 2022 is a good month to make space for yourself. It's a good month to make space for your inner process, however that comes through for each of you.
It feels like a month where the energy is ripe and I'm seeing a piece of ripe fruit hanging from the tree on a high branch and it's ready to be plucked. It has been slowly growing and slowly getting to that place of the Perfect Peach where it's just the right amount of softness and juicy without having turned - that's the energy this month for those of you who want to engage in inner work.
The time is ripe right now for going inwards and finding new epiphanies, finding new revelations and seeing things in a more clear way that you've not yet been able to see or connect the dots on.
This is a month that if you want to strike while the iron is hot- there holds a lot of potential for a personal revelation and personal epiphany.
Those of you who have been trying to shift things, whatever that might be - shift old stories, shift old wounds, shift your relationship with something, this is the month where the energy really supports that.
“July of 2022 moved very quickly for many of you” is what the Records are saying; when I feel the energy of July 2022, I get a sense of velocity and sort of rapid-fireness, that things were coming at some of you so fast, you didn't even have time to process it, you just had to show up and deal with it in the moment.
Many of you have just been taking care of business and handling things. And you've not really had that juicy self-care time to really take stock and reflect on what just happened in July. And so I feel like August is a month that offers time for that reflection point.
And it's a month where if any of us feel called to creating space - to creating a sacred retreat, going on a retreat - just retreat - even going to a retreat weekend or afternoon or just a retreat hour - where you can carve out silence on a weekend - anything like that feels like there's going to be enormous gains.
And that's how it's coming through. There are big gains to be had right now.
And this is going to help set each of you up for what is to come in September - and what is to come for the last quarter of 2022.
Because you will feel like an arrow that is pointed in the direction that you know that you feel called to go; you will feel like you have organized your heart, cleared out the clutter, and put together the pieces of what's happened so far. And that will put you in a very clean, clear place as you move forward into the rest of the year.
And that brings me to our next question and that is:
Is there anything else the Records would like us to know at this time?
I actually heard somebody say, “shush - be still” and I saw this finger go up. You know, somebody was shushing somebody else. But it was very gentle. And it was very loving.
It was just this really big encouragement for stillness.
And what I'm hearing from the Records is that “this message is shorter than what we usually give you because we know you need stillness right now; many of you are overstimulated to the point, that one more thing, one more task, one more chore, even one more well-meaning piece of spiritual guidance is going to feel like too much. That's how fragmented and scattered the energy has been for some of you.”
What I'm seeing is just this sense of stillness, and even the Records are modeling for us that less can be more.
I'm seeing a picture of a mountain, and this very clear, pristine stream running through it. And the encouragement feels like: ‘how can you make your streams as pristine as possible in August? How can you put yourself into an environment that would feel like being out by that beautiful mountain that represents the strength and this grounding?’
Any way you can create that for yourself, you are going to find benefits this August.
And with that the Records got really silent. So, I will stop there for today and follow their wisdom that less is more - and I wish everybody a very peaceful easeful August, and I will be back for September's Akashic Magic with a new message.
Namaste. Amen. Blessed Be.
Thank you for joining me in this transmission from the Akashic Records.
If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101 or Understanding the Akashic Records.
If you’d like to explore what your Akashic Records have to share with you to guide you on your path at this time, you can find more about Akashic Record Readings HERE.