Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright

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May Akashic Magic: Earth Movement, Personal Power

About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the energy of May 2023.

Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease, and clarity.

You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.

A few things to note:

1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records.

2. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.

3. The audio usually runs 12-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.

4. Information from the records is for self-contemplation and spiritual development and is not clinical or therapeutic advice.

* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)

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May Akashic Magic 2023 Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright

Akashic Magic for May

This feels like a month of quite a bit of movement.

And what I was seeing as the Records opened was a sense of the earth shifting below our feet.

And almost as if the earth shifted, or a cartoon type tidal wave - I saw this as a cartoon - kind of picks us up, we're in the ocean, and it moves us somewhere, and I saw us being safely deposited to the shore.

So, it didn’t feel like the tidal wave that I saw was a threat. It literally came through like a cartoon or a video game tidal wave. And the earth that I saw shifting - again - it felt almost cartoon like so there was a lightness to it.

But there was a sense of being picked up and carried and deposited and finding ourselves on new ground.

And the words that came through for the month of May (that followed those images) were “Earth movement”.

So, with that, let's tap into the energy of May and ask our first question.

And that is:

 What is the overall energy for May of 2023?

You have already been in the middle of many shifts. And this has been happening for a while for many of you.

Many of you are tired of saying “are we there yet?” - that is what the energy feels like.

And some of you have started to figure out that if you're asking, “are we there yet?”, that might not be the most helpful question for your journey, as a human on the earth at this time.

A better question might be “what am I learning from the journey? Where have I traveled so far? What new things have I experienced? How am I remapping the direction I am going based on everything that I'm learning and accumulating in my toolbox?”.

There are many other questions that one might ask that might feel more helpful than “are we there yet?”, and I'm feeling the Records say that with a little bit of laughter and lightness to it, with an acknowledgement that it is a very human tendency to ask that question.

But they are encouraging us to come up with new questions that evolve, along with how our journeys have evolved. And that brings us back to what they started to say.

And that was “there's been a lot of movement, and specifically this year, the last couple months, many of you have experienced a lot of movement”.

What I'm feeling with that movement is almost this descent of power that has been slowly coming down and getting ready to anchor into May. Some of this power may or may not have initially felt very powerful.

I’m being brought back to the message in March, where we were told that it was going to be a turbulent month, and at the time I saw an airplane and it was kind of bouncing about in the air. And there was almost this sense of outside forces and things happening around us.

And April built on that a little bit. And what I'm feeling for May is like everything that's been changing, everything that's been shifting, everything that has been moving is anchoring, and it is anchoring into the body of the earth - that you put your feet upon Mother Earth herself.

And I also have a sense that it is anchoring into like our bodies, like you know, in some ways, we are an individual representation of the Earth, being held up by the Great Mother, but each of us and our body is our own little planet, that is kind of walking around inhabiting her - so there is a sense of power that comes through this month.

And something else that was coming through as I was opening the Records was this idea that somehow May is a power month, and I felt a sense that it was a powerful month, but I actually heard “power month” - power month being like a month where we might really feel in our power.

Not only might powerful things happen, but we personally might have a sense of deeper empowerment or being in our power this month or playing with power – and seeing how we use our power in different ways.

So that feels like a nice way to segue into my next question. And that is:

How is the energy likely to show up for us this month?

What the Records are saying is - as they were just iterating to us – is that it’s a month of personal power, it’s a month when we talk about earth movement; you have to understand that you are part of that grand design on the planet - you are part of that greater ecosystem - and you are part of that greater whole.

So, as the Earth herself has gone through shifts, and the systems around - you have also gone through shifts, and the cosmic cycles have gone through shifts, and major transits and retrogrades.

And some very powerful cosmic things that have been happening - you two are a reflection of those energies - the same energy… the same atoms are what I'm feeling that's kind of like dancing in this world around you, those things are dancing with you as well, you are connected to all of those things.

And I'm seeing this beautiful starry web right now that represents the interconnection between all that is - so you have to understand that these changes have impacted you.

For some of you, they have felt destabilizing, they have led you to a lot of second guessing and a lot of self-doubt and questioning your own path. And yet, what I am feeling from the Records for the month of May, is that it is all leading to standing in a place of deeper power and bigger power.

And what I'm feeling from that is that they are kind of playing off of a metaphor they gave us last month. And what I'm seeing is in April - they said that April was a month where each of us was a little bit like a director who had been putting a play together and it was opening night - and we had been running around doing all the things that needed to be done to put this production into play.

And we'd reached the point of needing to release it a little bit and say “I have brought this as far as I can, the curtain is up in 20 minutes, the audience will come in, everybody knows what they're doing. This is not going to be any better than what we can already offer”.

So, there was almost this sense of inviting life and inviting the greater process into that process.

And I'm feeling from the Records that they're saying, “now, it's like the show has ended, you've had a great run”. Now it’s the part where whether it's opening night, or whether it’s at the end of a week or two of the show running, this is the part where the reviews are in, and you are able to congratulate yourself and really see all that you've accomplished.

There are some tangible things that have come together for some of you. And if it feels like it hasn't quite come - it's close at hand.

And so, there's almost this sense where you can reflect and see: “not only was this this powerful experience, but I didn't realize that in creating this experience, these are some ways that I grew". This is the part where you’re able to almost like do a final walk through and a final reflection and really see “what was the process in this journey about?”.

The Records are saying to us, “we invited you in April to reflect on your journey and to reflect on the progress that you made. In the April message, we offered up the guidance that this would be a helpful month to do inventory and just kind of touch base with how far have you come, where you are and what you are setting your sights on”.

And the guidance that they're bringing through for us in May is that for those of you who've done that evaluation work - and you can always do that even if you didn't sit down and make a list - but what I'm feeling with that is now you can really see how are things coming together; what's the next step? You know, what did you learn? What have you accomplished, what is coming in - in a way that you didn't even expect? - and at the time, you couldn't see it from the vantage point of being right before the show or even during the show. It's something that you cannot see until you're closer to the end of all of it.

And you're getting the feedback of “this was really magnificent” and cast members are maybe coming to you and saying, “thank you so much for casting me, this is what this experience meant to me”. And you're getting that kind of feedback.

Like that's the energy that I feel this month, almost like it's an invitation to recognize our own power and our own personal power and how we have impacted the world around us in a deeper way.

That feels like a beautiful entry point into our next question.

And that is:

How can we best navigate the energy at this time?

“Keep calm and carry on” is what's coming through.

I definitely have a sense that even if things have felt a little bit like that cartoon tidal wave, where you're like, “what just happened here? Like, how am I over here? I was just at this end of things. And, you know, this tidal wave kind of spit me out. And I'm far from where I was in the water”.

And, you know, what I'm feeling with that is that you're not necessarily meant - if you have had a lot of movement - to say, “how did things get here? I need to get back to where things were”.  

This is not a time to go backwards. This is a time to make movements based on where you're at right now.

I'm hearing from the Records, “forget everything that you previously thought was going to happen with the plan. Many of you have had preconceived notions about how it was going to look”.

And they're giving us a little bit of a mia culpa from spirit, they're actually saying, “many of you have some of these preconceived notions, because you're quite spiritual yourself”, and you received a message, or you channeled out yourself, or you pulled a card, or you had a reading with someone, or you listen to your intuition. There's many, many ways - you follow the signs to the best of your ability.

So many of you are where you're at now, because you were walking the path, and you were in your heart, and you were following your spiritual guidance the best that you knew how.

And what the Records want us to know is that it's not that spirit gets it wrong - which is something that many of you - they're saying to us, are sometimes tempted to feel what happened, or we blame ourselves. So “you blame yourself” is what they're saying. It's more that things shift.

And so even the conditions and the world of spirit, spirit is shifting, and outcomes are shifting, and timelines are shifting, and all of that is shifting in accordance to some of the shifts that are happening. And I'm seeing layers of cycles going on.

And one of them being what is happening with the Earth herself, and Mother Earth and the soul of the earth, and what she is going through in terms of Earth change - I'm seeing shifts in the collective, and the collective energy of humanity. And there's many, many small circles I'm seeing with that.

And in that and each of those represents a different system or cycle, or the circles that we're living in.

And then I'm seeing this bigger, sort of this cosmic thing, wrapping around all of it. And that feels like planetary shifts, transits and cosmic shifts, and things that are a little bit more metaphysical, like downloads coming through and light coming onto the planet, and the kinds of things that tend to happen around full moons and new moons and eclipse seasons.

So, there's multiple cycles happening. And spirit itself is working to bring about the best outcomes during all those overlapping cycles.

And there is guidance coming through that says, “this is the way that you thought it was”. And maybe that was true then, but it might not necessarily hold true now.

So don't look to what direction you want to go, based on having to get back to where you were. Start with what you've learned, from how far you've traveled.

Start with everything you've learned from being stuck in a car and saying, “are we there yet?”. What have you experienced on this long road trip that you're on? Start with all of that, take that wisdom and move forward to new uncharted terrain.

That is how you will best navigate the energy this month, by throwing out the rules and moving forward with the wisdom you have, to the best of your ability, and releasing those expectations that it was going to look a certain way - so that you can stay more open to how malleable the energy is right now and create a way that still represents better for you - but in a way that you've really surrendered more of the idea of how it's supposed to look.

Alright, that brings me to our very last question:

And that is:

Is there anything else we need to know for the month of May at this time?

I'm seeing almost like game images come through. So, I was feeling into that a little bit. Like I'm seeing if you were playing a video game and you were like jumping from ledge to ledge or jumping on squares or doing something like that.

There's a little bit of sense to having fun with it this month.

This is common guidance from the Records that they love to remind us of things, but many of you have learned to better navigate the chess boards of your life, or whatever game you feel best represents your life at this time, you've learned to navigate it - it's a little bit like if you really, really have ever loved a board game, and you acquire some skills over time, where you become better at that board game, where you are more able to say, “let's play Monopoly”.

Because you're no longer a novice at it, you've actually figured out a strategy for monopoly, and you're pretty good at it. And you might not always win, but you're also kind of used to winning, or at least coming really close. And it's fun for you because you don't feel lost. And you feel like you know what you're doing, and you can be more calculated and take a few more risks, and you've got a little bit more of a strategy in mind. I feel like that's us.

And that is this representation of being in our power and kind of graduating to a place where we're no longer a novice with the board game that metaphorically represents our lives.

And I'm 100% going to recommend this – this is just BethAnne inserting here, it's not the Records - this is going to be our self-care activity, or the writing prompt for the month. This sounds very fun for all of us: what board game, what game best represents our life at this time, your life at this time?

And going back to the message, what the Records are saying is whatever that game is “you've become really proficient at it”.

And it might not be that you've mastered it, it might not be that you have won over and over and over again, so that you're so bored with it, and you're ready for the next one, maybe there's still something that you've yet to do.

Or maybe you find something, and you didn't know that there was like a secret world or secret passage or if this is a video game - some sort of code that you could do and find something. So, there's still a little bit of fun with it.

But you have developed proficiency. So, there's this guidance to have fun with it, and to rest in your power.

And again, coming back to that sense of play with power this month.

Notice, how are you powerful? How do your intentions have the ability to impact your day? How does your energy possibly change the energy of a room?

Maybe you’re having issues with work or issues with a co-worker or something like that, and you just tap into your spiritual connection before you go in to the office or interact with this person. And you say “I want this to go as peacefully as possible. May their spirit guides and their guardian angel help them manage their stuff that they're taking out on me - that's not my stuff, help them and support them so they're more supportive when they talk to me, and then they can be their better self”.

Play with your power. See what happens when you set an intention.

See what happens when you direct your will; see what happens when you decide - I'm going to work on healing my relationship with lack this month. And you set an intention that every day for the next 30 days, you're going to say a few affirmations or mantras that are around abundance and gratitude and feeling supported or whatever is the antithesis of what you're trying to heal.

What happens?

What do you notice about yourself? What begins to change? What might change in your body? What might change for you emotionally? What might change in your outer world?

So, play with power this month, and worry less about misuse of power.

What I feel from the Records is that whoever's listening to this message is very unlikely to be somebody who's listening to this for a big gain - to take over the world and be some mastermind of dominating others - they're kind of laughing at us. But there's almost this sense of like, “we know your hearts, whether or not you know me personally”, they know who is tapping into these messages and who maybe even in the future might be drawn to them.

So don't worry so much about “what if I misuse my power and what if I don't use it correctly?”.

Trust your spirit guides, and your angels, and your own guidance to help you figure out your relationship with power and to buffer anything that maybe you overstep and you feel too forceful or you under step - trust them to help you with that. You can even set that as an intention for the month if you'd like.

Don't worry about some sort of control or dominance. It's not about that. It's more about recognizing your sovereignty and how powerful you are when you really bring your will and your intention and your heart into alignment and you move into that space.

All right, thank you so much for joining me for this month's message, I look forward to being back here in June with the Akashic message for June of 2023. And until then have an amazing month.

Namaste, Amen, and Blessed Be.

Thank you for joining me in this transmission from the Akashic Records.

If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101 or Understanding the Akashic Records.

If you’d like to explore what your Akashic Records have to share with you to guide you on your path at this time, you can find more about Akashic Magic Sessions HERE.

Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.