Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright

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October Akashic Magic: Terra Firma

About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the monthly energy.

Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease, and clarity.

You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.

A few things to note:

1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records.

2. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.

3. The audio usually runs 10-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.

4. Information from the records is for self-contemplation and spiritual development and is not clinical or therapeutic advice.

* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)

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October Akashic Magic Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright

Akashic Magic for October 2024

October of 2024: as I was opening the records, I was seeing multiple images of different kinds of land, and a very specific image that my mind's eye honed in on is a memory from a movie called "Gravity."

It is towards the end of the movie there is a space pod hurtling back down to earth, and it lands in the water, and the ending scene is the lead character getting out and getting into the water and then moving onto the land for the first time.

There's this sense of completion with the story arc of the movie, but the energy that the records were bringing my attention to were those first few steps.

This character is on new ground, and the movie itself represents the psychological journey of letting go on a deeper level, and traveling to new ground, and then taking those first shaky few steps where she has chosen to move to higher ground and move on with something in her life.

It's a deeply symbolic movie, and that is what I was seeing in my mind's eye as I was opening the records.

All these images of somebody taking their first steps after a voyage, and they have arrived on new ground, and their legs might be a little bit shaky, but there is a sense of being on solid ground.

And I saw the words terra firma, solid ground, firm ground, and a sense of having moved to a new space and starting to like take those first few steps. Let's find out more of what this means for October.

What is the overall energy of October of 2024?

There's interesting energy coming through this month. It almost feels like in September we might have a sense in our own lives that we time traveled.

That's coming through, obviously, metaphorically, but it's almost as if a lot happened as a collective and individually, and the month of September, so much so that some of you might be struggling to catch up with where you find yourself now— kind of that question of, “whoa. How did I get here?”

So many things happened so fast. And again, I'm seeing that space pod from the opening image, hurdling through space. And there's that sense of being a time traveler, quantum leaping, something having to do with taking great strides and a short amount of time.

And the emphasis for the energy of October is that after this time, traveling after this quantum speed that things may have felt like they moved at for the month of September.

October is a month of upleveling, being in a new space, taking those first few steps,

You have moved to new territory, each of you on your individual paths, and so there is an emphasis of being on solid ground and figuring out, what does this ground mean for me? Where am I now standing? How did I get here? What happens if I move forward?

So there's a lot of energy that feels earthy. It feels grounded, but it also feels new. So there's these intellectual energies, these more air energies of curiosity and the unknown and exploration, and almost as if we're going to surprise ourself with where we've landed in this newfound confidence that it feels like each of us has gained that we might not even know is within us until we start taking those first few steps and realizing our own strength.

So that feels like a great segue into our next question, and that is:

How is the energy likely to show up for us this month?

There is an emphasis on striding forward with confidence and the month of October, and that doesn't mean doing it perfectly, is what the records are saying. It just means that many of you are going to find you are feeling more sure footed.

You have taken the lessons, the learning curve that not just in September, but the last few months of your journeys, the last year of your journeys, have given you and you are moving forward with a quickened pace and a sense of confidence in your energy.

Some of the things that felt novel to you even just a short time ago, all of a sudden feel like old hat, or they feel like something that you've had a mastery experience of a sense of self, competency and efficacy. And so it's easier to do, and there's more that energy of, “hey, no problem. I've got this. “

I feel an individual sense that adds up to a greater collective sense of self belief coming through this month, believing in your own power, your own ability to be a change agent and make things happen for yourself.

This month, the focus is on the individual, and the way that comes through is and it's like that image of hurtling through space is a metaphor for the collective energy right now, and this juggernaut of ongoing change and chaos and discord and things evolving at such a rapid fire rate, and that feels multi tiered.

When I feel into it like that. Feels like that's happening in our global geopolitical systems. It feels like it's happening with technology and technological advances. It feels like it's happening in communities and in groups and organizations.

It just feels all over that anytime we are in that collective stream, and we're being carried by that collective stream, that each of us might feel kind of fragmented and shaken up and like we are being carried in something bigger, but that when we are able to focus on ourselves and focus on where we're at as an individual, we realized how strong we have grown in that process of going through all these rapid fire changes.

There is a newfound sense of competency and efficacy and believing that “if I can make it through that I can make it through anything.“

So it feels like a very empowering month and a month of testing out new skills, testing out new talents gained, testing out something that you have grown some confidence in and you want to see if you can take it to the next level.

It feels like a month where the energies of curiosity, observation, experience, creating experiences to try something out, and going forward with an action, something that you feel like you want to do, inspired to do, and you're going to act on it this month. All of that feels really supported.

How can we best navigate the energy of October of 2024?

What I'm feeling is a sense of taking that like I've got this energy and that self confident, self empowerment energy, and using it to try out both old things and new things.

You're using it to come back to old challenges in your life, or things that might have felt challenging or big in the past, and you're going to come back to them from a stronger place. And you might also find that you're inspired to use it to do something totally novel or new, or take a risk or take a step.

The focus is not on doing this perfectly. It is simply on being willing to put yourself out there, to know that nothing ventured, nothing gained, that anything that doesn't work out is always grist for the mill. It is something we can use to learn from, to grow our experience, to grow in wisdom and knowledge.

So ultimately, it all becomes a gain because we use it to deepen our relationship with ourself and to collect a new experience and deepen our relationship with how we're engaging with life and our willingness to engage with life.

So this feels like a month— I'm seeing Jean Luc Picard saying, “Engage” in the Enterprise right now— and it feels like a month of engagement and aligned action steps and inspired action and trying something new, and not worrying so much about getting it right, but focusing on your willingness to try. All of that feels very supported this month.

Is there anything else that the records want us to know for October of 2024?

I'm just seeing this reflection of strength and growth and an overall goodwill message from the Akashic of each of you who are listening to this have grown so much you have grown so much taller, so much stronger.

And while that might not be something you can measure in a tangible way, in an intangible way, if you could, like, do a height chart, for example, when you measure a kid who's going through a growth spurt, and in a few months time, they're like adding inches and inches to how much they're growing—

It's the energetic equivalent of that, and going through these growth spurts and truly stepping into an up level, a bigger sense of self, taking up more space.

Each of you is just doing such beautiful work, finding that in your individual journeys and whatever way you're feeling called with that the records got quiet.

And that concludes our message for October of 2024 I will be back in November with the new Akashic magic message. And in the meantime, have a beautiful month, and thank you to the Akashic for sharing your wisdom with us as always.

Namaste, amen, and blessed be Amen.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s Akashic Magic message.

If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101 or Understanding the Akashic Records.

Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.