February Akashic Magic: Hearts Wide Open


About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio channeling from the Akashic Records on the energy of February 2021.

As my understanding of my soul purpose has shifted and grown, I have felt an increasing desire to share the wisdom of spirit with others through the Akashic Records, which help bring higher consciousness to light, so we can live with more peace, ease and clarity.

Please note, when I open up the Akashic Records and seek higher guidance, the information comes through in a collection of words, metaphors, images, resonance, and guidance. Guidance which is deeply practical, but often presented in surprisingly playful ways (I have found that spirit has a terrific sense of humor). This post is a direct transcription from the records, so please forgive any sentence fragments~ it’s simply how the information came through at the time and sounds a little different than my usual writing voice.

Keep on reading for the full transcription, or listen to the message via the audio recording below:

(a kind note: if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this book, please include author & web link to honor copyright law. thank you!)

Akashic Magic: February 2021
Dr. BethAnne K.W.


What is the overall energy of February 2021?

“Hearts wide open” is the first phrase that I heard while opening the records, and I paused at it because that line is part of the prayer I say to open the records. And I saw hearts literally opening up and wanting to expand, as I was saying the prayer, which has never happened to me before. When I asked for an image just now I saw that image again. Hearts wide open. Opening your hearts.

This is a month of expansion. This is the month where you’ll be taking some of the lessons that you learned in January— some of the energies that have begun to emerge for you in 2021— and you’ll be expanding those energies. This month feels like, as a collective— and individually in our relationships— we will be expanding towards one another. This is the month—I’m hearing the word ‘interdependence’— and this is a month of collaboration, evaluating our relationships and moving in the direction of one another.

Overall, there is a lot of potential this month for forward movement, there’s potential for coming together, there’s great potential for healing, new hope and new light. What I’m seeing in the records is that if January 2021 was the month of the ‘airing the grievances’— that’s how they put it — the airing of grievances — then February 2021 is the month of understanding what healing needs to happen and beginning to move in that direction; that is the overall energy of this month.

And I will ask a follow-up question to that— is there anything else you’d like to add, or that you’d like us to know about the energy of February 2021?

So things will be happening faster in February. And what I’m seeing with that is January kind of felt like it had a lot of stop, starts, stop, starts. Like you got going and then you had to put on the brakes. I’m seeing an image now of when you are in traffic, and there’s a line up of lights— and you think “if I press go, hopefully I’ll hit every single light”. And as it happens, you miss that one light and you have to brake. That means you don’t make any of the others lights and you start again. Then you stop again. You start again — then you stop again.

So, there was a little bit of that with the energy of January 2021; this push-pull, go, stop energy. And what I’m seeing in February 2021 is a more continual flow. I’ve seen when you hit the accelerator, you’re much more likely to see the lights and you’ll see more movement happen in the direction you’re wanting to see it. So this is the month you’ll start building on January 2021 and you’ll see more movement happening this month.

How can we work more constructively with this energy?

So — be prepared — they are staying with this ‘foot on the gas’, ‘foot on the brake’ analogy. And what I’m hearing is “be prepared to ease up when you need to. Just as if you were driving on a highway, and they’re saying “without traffic lights”, but you were driving on a highway and there was a little bit of slowing at curbs, possibly a slow car in front of you, maybe things speed up at a certain point; there is a sense of adaptability this month.

Just as if you were on this hypothetical highway, and things were going faster at some points and slower. You wouldn’t have to slam on the brakes, but you would have to ease up on the gas, you might have to lightly brake, you might have to slow down to go around a corner, you might choose to take a rest stop because traffic is going slow so you say “I’ll just wait” and hop back in when things go faster. That’s how you are going to best navigate this month constructively.

By allowing for a sense of going with the flow, by allowing a sense of following the natural rhythms. There is a quickening of energy happening this month, but again, some of that will feel faster and some of that will require you to slow down. Some of that will ask you to take a right-hand turn when you expected to go left. So there is still an energy of adaptability that’s coming through this month, and if you can work within that energy, and work in this idea of not being attached— like if you were to set your cruise control to 60 mph on a long stretch of highway, and you get mad every time you have to re-adjust your cruise control, if somebody is going slower— it’s going to be more difficult for you.

But if you can have a sense of ease and flow right now, and follow the turns and follow the natural rhythms, you are going to work much more successfully with the energy this month and be able to harness it to move in the direction you want to go.

So that beautifully sets me up for the next question I have down - speaking of being adaptable. The question is: 2020 was a big year of change for the collective, and the records have said 2021 will continue to bring more change. What perspectives can the records and spirit offer us for navigating change with as much grace as possible?

Again, I heard the phrase “don’t be attached to the outcome”. And this is a theme that has been coming up over and over again the last few months I’ve opened the records— and it feels like this theme is going to continue.

If you have a specific attachment to how things are going to look, if you have a specific agenda that this is what you are going to be doing and this is when you are going to be doing it — “that may or may not happen” is what is coming through. There’s a little bit of cautionary words here saying “don’t panic”. If you have something on the calendar they aren’t saying “that’s not going to happen”, — this isn’t about that; this is more as a collective.

Right now, if you can let go of the attachment of how it has to look and say “I’ve lined up my schedule the best I know how, here’s when I’m doing this and here’s when I’m doing this, gosh - I hope to take this trip later in the year! … I’m hoping to do these things”.  If you line it up the best you know how and then let go of the attachment that it has to fall out exactly that way, that’s going to help you navigate change a little bit more easily.

And they are really digging this ‘being on the road’ analogy in this channeling, so I am just going to go with it. Because now what I am seeing is that we are still on our road trip, still on this proverbial highway and I’m seeing on this road trip that when you have your heart set on stopping at a certain town— for example— you’re going to go somewhere for lunch, and you are going to go to the sandwich shop you love so much and you always go to this sandwich shop — you always get this certain sandwich, it’s your favorite. If you have your heart set on that, what would happen if you pull up at this certain town and find out that the sandwich shop is closed?

Now they are saying that, metaphorically, there are several things that can happen here: one, you can be really really angry about it and just decide right then and there, whatever else you get for lunch — it’s not going to be as good as that sandwich shop and you’re so disappointed. You’re not going to let yourself enjoy it and you are so angry the sandwich shop wasn’t open.

Or, you could widen your gaze and you drive down main street a little bit further, and you see here’s this other soup shop, or an Italian place — a bistro or whatever it is. Maybe it’s new. Maybe you’ve never tried it before because you’re so attached to your sandwich shop, and they’re open, so you say “well, I guess I’ll try them out”. And what would happen if you went into this new place with this openness and discovered that it was really delicious and you had a really enjoyable time. Even though it wasn’t the sandwich shop and it wasn’t exactly what you expected it was an equally enjoyable experience. There was something about the serendipity of it that if you admit it to yourself, might have made it a bit more fun— because you were surprised. You were surprised in this really delightful way. 

And the advice coming through right now, from spirit, from The Keepers of The Records, is “allow yourself to be surprised in a really delightful way”.

Yes, there are plans you might line up this year that due to the shifting climate and the world around you may or may not look exactly the way you thought they would, but if you can let go of the attachment, that you had to have this specific outcome and it had to be in this specific way — and you can open yourself up to the divine, and you can say “ok, surprise me, bring me a backup that is equally delightful — bring me something surprising!”. It’s going to help you navigate with so much more ease and so much more grace — because what you are doing with that is you are shifting your energy. You are shifting your perspective from saying it has to look a certain way — and what I am seeing with this is like if you were asking the divine for one specific thing and you have a teeny-tiny little dartboard with a bullseye in the center — it’s not a lot of space for energy to stick when you say “it has to be this one way” or “I won’t have it any other way”. 

But if you open up and say “bring me something equally delightful — if not right now, then help me manifest something just as surprising and delightful since this plan got changed”, it opens up to this huge bullseye that allows the possibility that spirit can send you so many more gifts — so many more avenues that might be as equally delightful for you. So let yourself be surprised; if you can keep that perspective and set your plans as best as you know how then just let go of attachment and how it has to look - it’s going to much easier to navigate any changes coming your way in 2021.

Truth versus mistruth has been a theme that has been coming up repeatedly in the collective. What wisdom can you offer us on identifying truth?

Each of you is being asked to be a truth seeker at this time. Each of you is being asked to take a higher degree of responsibility for looking into and investigating things that might be reported to you. For digging through the backstory, reading between the lines. This information is actually coming through very playfully; I’m seeing an image of Sherlock Holmes and his magnifying glass, looking for clues. Each of you is being asked to take a higher degree of responsibility.

Historically as a collective — they’re saying here now— “as a collective, you kind of allowed yourself to be spoon-fed by what the higher ups said — there’s been a shift in that. A shift that has happened in this century. That’s happened with the stream of data that has come through, it’s happened with the multiple streams of information that you now have access to, that you didn’t have access to.

Once many of you relied on your daily newspaper or the daily news, but now you have access to news at your fingertips”. They are saying “from multiple stations, multiple channels and for multiple agendas in those stations and channels”. There’s an acknowledgment coming through that there is good and bad with that. And the question, truth versus mistruth, is an excellent question that ties in with the good and bad in that. “You have more access to truth than you’ve ever had before.

You’ve also got more access to mistruth than you’ve ever had before— and that has been the tension that you have been seeing in your world increasingly over the last — particularly the last four to five years”. They’re saying “starting with the election cycle in 2016, there has been a ramping up of that” is what they are saying.

So, this is an opportunity for you to investigate. An opportunity to take responsibility and to — they’re saying “whether it is to fact-check, whether it is to read a different source than you’d normally read or whether it is to find places that are set up to do fact-checking. You have places that you look at and go in. It’s a time of questioning and a time of examination.”

That is potentially very empowering - there’s a piece here of “you’re not allowed to be intellectually lazy anymore” — that’s not coming through as criticism, but coming through as in how easy it is to just look at a headline and believe ‘hook, line and sinker’ what somebody says. There’s this sense of “use your mind” — use your truth seeking discernment. Begin to look at truth. Begin to consider, is this truth? Is this mistruth? Is there an agenda behind this?. And what I’m seeing here is a sharpening of skills around this.

Discerning truth is not an automatic process. “It’s not a process that happens in a snap” is what they are saying. Discerning truth is building up critical thinking skills and it’s opening yourself up to looking at things from a different perspective. Right now, there is an invitation into investigation and taking responsibility on an individual level, so that you feel that you have accessed all the facts that you need to have a sense of peace about what you’re reading and to have a sense of ‘I’ve collected as much as I can at this point in time, and this is what is really going on’. The more you can do that, the more you can feel empowered and equipped to separate out truth from mistruth.

What I’m feeling with that is - I’m just seeing lots and lots of rabbit holes. There’s a sense of— if you keep having to fall down rabbit hole after rabbit hole, after rabbit hole, there’s a good possibility that there might be some rabbit holes that are misleading you and keeping you in a loop.

So, if you find yourself falling down this rabbit hole and then this rabbit hole — they are saying “conspiracy theories and all of that” — what I am hearing is “try and pull yourself out and pull yourself back to a space of ‘what do I know?’, and take it from there”. That was their addendum to what they have told us.

With all the challenges going on in our world - politically, environmentally, with the pandemic to name a few - what do the records most want us to be aware of in February 2021?

“Take it as it comes” - that’s what’s coming through. Right now, it is so easy, with all the big concerns in your world, to future-think, to future-predict, to jump ahead, to think about — how is it going to look a month from now? Two months from now? Three months from now?

There is a sense of when you do that, that is when you lose your grounding and that’s when you get ahead of yourself and lose the present moment — that’s when panic sets in, anxiety sets in. That’s when — I’m seeing when we grip onto something and clench our fists — that’s when control sets in. There’s a sense of— you need to control, you need to know and you have to have to predict what’s going to happen.

The wisdom for February 2021 is to continue to take it as it comes. What do I need to know today? What is going on in my world today? Is there an action step I need to take? What do I need to do to show up in my daily life? And do those things. I’m seeing a calendar flip to the next day. What do I need to know today? What’s going on in the world today?

There is a sense of take it as it comes - and the other piece that comes through with this is “just check in with yourself on a daily basis”.  How am I feeling about this? If you see something happening in your world that is worrisome to you, if you see numbers on the rise for COVID, or you see something happening environmentally in another part of the world, if you see something is happening with violence, or internal - inner issues with countries where there are wars and difficult things going on; anything you see that comes across your radar like that, that catches your attention, they are saying “just check in with yourself”. Take a moment and say “that makes me sad”, take a moment and feel where it is in your body. Take a moment and offer a prayer.

What I’m hearing them say is — you aren’t checking things off your list in a robotic way. The guidance from the records is not the energy of “prayed for COVID today — check! Prayed for the world — check!” It’s not like that. That’s not the energy coming through - I want to make that very clear. But what I am seeing is you just keeping up with yourself and saying “wow, that just happened - how do I feel? Where am I at? Is there something I can do in this moment to extend hope, extend a prayer, to think of a concrete action step? Ok, I see where I am at”. That is how you keep yourself moving forward in these times that are swirling. That is how you keep yourself caught up with yourself— to the best of your ability!

By taking time to be present and mindful with where you’re at and how you are reacting to what’s happening in the world. And again, taking each moment as it comes, and then saying “ok, I looked at the news for the day — gosh the kids are getting up! I need to shift gears now and I need to be present with my family — alright, being present with my family”. Not going down the list in a robotic way, but just in a way that makes the day-to-day manageable so that you don’t feel overwhelmed and ungrounded by too much information - too much swirling around you. You continue to stay in your flow, in your lane, in your own energy and center so you can navigate most effectively.

Is there anything else you’d like those listening to this message to know at this time?

“Stay open this month; stay open to yourself and stay open to each other”.

They’re bringing it back around to the image of hearts expanding, hearts opening. “Stay open to one another” is what’s coming through. “We know you have been through a time where there has been so many divides that have cropped up between humans - so many of you, so many different factions. There has been so much that has divided you”. That deep acknowledgement is coming through — of different ideologies and people seeing differently and how they have been divisive.

What I’m feeling this month is that there is incredible potential to work through those divisions we have inside of us by simply opening up to one another and saying “I just open to you as a fellow human being, maybe I don’t understand you, maybe I don’t understand what you’re about in this world but I open up to you as a fellow human being and you are on the journey too”. And what’s coming through with that is “opening up to one another doesn’t mean you are travel companions, it doesn’t mean you have to walk down the road and hold hands with each other — some of you may naturally gravitate towards one another than others as you are more like-minded, like-valued, all of those things. That’s fine”.

And what I am getting with that is more of a sense of ‘goodwill towards men’. Peace towards men, that sense of goodwill towards all. I’m seeing an opening of that energy and keeping your hearts open to one another, in a way that encompasses the whole - not just those who think like us, but those who see differently. And again, that word ‘goodwill’ is coming through, so “explore what that word means to you” is what they are saying, “what does it mean to have goodwill?”. To say “yay, I want all of us to win! — what does that mean for you?”.

If you can work that out for yourself, and find that energy within you, it’s going to allow you to move around that mental chatter that you sometimes want to stick on somebody else and say “I can’t believe you think that way!”. They’re saying “that sticky stuff that trips you up”. It’s going to allow you to say “well, what does goodwill feel like and can I extend goodwill to this person, even if they aren’t my person or even if I set a boundary around them, can I just wish them well on the journey?”. The more you can do that, the more it can help your heart open, stay open to you, help you stay more centered and navigate with more sense of ease.

Thank you for joining me in this transmission from the Akashic Records. If you’d like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to sign up for my free monthly letter Akashic Magic. You can learn more and sign up HERE.

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Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.
