September 2021 Akashic Magic: Prepare to Be Uplifted


About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the energy of September 2021.

Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease and clarity.

You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.

A few things to note:

  1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records.

  2. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.

  3. The audio usually runs 12-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.

        For those who love to go deep, I highly recommend listening to the audio and printing this message to use as a reflection point throughout the month during your journaling & meditation time to reflect on how this energy is showing up for you.

* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)

Akashic Records for September 2021

When I opened The Records for this month, I saw two different images: the first one was of a bird gliding through the sky, and the second one was of a brick wall with a person in front of it.

I saw strings on shoulders; almost like a puppet being lifted up and over the wall.

The words I heard were ‘prepare to be uplifted’.

Let’s dive into what that means. The first question is:

What is the overall energy of September 2021?

September of 2021 is a month of being elevated; it’s a month of feeling lifted up.

It’s a month where many of you might feel some of the obstacles on your path (that you couldn’t get around) begin to give way - or you’ll see a way through them or over them that hadn’t occurred to you before.

This feels like a month where epiphanies, new revelations and insights (for new ways of being and creating) might really come pouring through.

I’m seeing an image of a pole vaulter as I say this, and there’s this sense of springing over something.

What I can see, with this pole vaulter, is that they have this really special pole - that somehow gives them an extra few inches that allows them to clear an obstacle that they couldn’t previously clear.  

There’s a sense that each of you has been experiencing stuck energy in your life - areas where you would like to have things hurry up and come through faster - areas where you want to know the bigger picture, you wanted to know it yesterday, and yet the bigger picture hasn’t come.

And what this feels like, is that this is a month where you are going to find some relief from some of that, experience some movement and have a little bit more ease - around or through some of the things that haven’t felt that easy for you.

How can we most constructively work with the energy of September?

“Remember that it’s not just about you” is what just came through - and what I’m seeing with this is this pole vaulter that we saw - even though the pole vaulter is using the pole in a way that will propel him or her forwards, at the same time, they aren’t doing it entirely of their own accord, without any support or assistance from the pole.

There’s a sense this month that many of you have been back at the drawing board; that was the guidance that The Guardians gave us for the month of August - to return to our collective board games of self and re-map out the course that we wanted to take, based on everything we know up until this point in time.

For many of us, that has translated in a way that many of us are spinning our wheels, thinking about things the same way - trying to reimagine things and do the best that we can to assess and understand.  

But there’s this beautiful guidance coming through of “your heart prayers have been heard, your intentions have been set”. 

They are being answered, so remember it’s not just about you moving yourself forward or seeing the way through - leave room for mystery this month!

Leave room for revelation. Leave room for Spirit to bless you with a third option that you might have not even seen.

If it’s felt like an either/or or this way/that way - allow space for the Divine to intervene and to do what needs to happen, to help clear the space - to take you to the next level.

If you are able to relax into that, receive, and receive with trust - it’s going to make this month easier for you. There is a sense from the energy this month that help is on the way:

“You are being lifted. Help has always been there”.

But based on energetically, where things are at, how things are and “what’s happening on your planet at this time”, there’s just a greater ease to seeing your way through and being lifted through.

If you can receive that wisdom, trust and walk into the month with a sense of curiosity, whatever it is that’s been bothering you - whatever your number one concern is - or whatever it is that your mind is spinning around, if you could imagine just laying it out on the table; asking your Guides, your Angels - and your own relationship to the Divine - and say:

“Here it is, help me to see my way through this, because I can’t. This is the biggest thing right now and I just can’t figure it out”.

If you do that, and you put it out before you - allow the eyes of Spirit to help you re-see it.

Allow the eyes of Spirit to help move the energy, in order to move your circumstances, in a way that helps things shift. Allow the eyes of Spirit to come in and look at it with you, so you’re not just seeing it through your own eyes.  

And that is how it feels - I’m seeing something laying on a table, each of us has been standing there and examining it to the best of our ability.

I’m seeing some confusion, some scratching heads and thinking about it - and now I’m seeing this really beautiful, ethereal being (who is standing with us) say —

“Let’s look at this together”, and then being able to see things that we haven’t seen, or imagine things that we could never have imagined.

If you are able to do that, release the reins, surrender and loosen the grip: this will make this month easier.

I’m hearing from The Guardians Of The Records that “this advice is consistent with what we’ve been telling you. It’s consistent with what many of you have been receiving from your own individual teams of support. It’s consistent with where many of you are on the journey, where you have been guided to trust in ways that feel bigger to you. Ways that feel deeper, and ways that feel a little bit unimaginable".

If a year ago, or two years ago, somebody was to say to you, “do you think you could trust this much?” - here’s the circumstances - here’s the situation. “Do you think you could trust this much?”. You might say no. “That sounds too much! I need to know - I need that sense of security, stability and that sense of knowing”.

And yet each of you has arrived at a point in time that as you’ve surrendered - “as you’ve moved through the course of events happening in your world in 2021 and beyond, you’ve moved into a greater time of not knowing”.

That’s happened for you individually and that’s happened for you collectively; the energy around trust has shifted.

There’s more openness to what it might look like than ever before, and with that openness comes a lot of room for curiosity; for joy, for wonder, for being surprised. With that openness comes space where each of you is better able to say “I don’t have to know - because the answers will come - and they’ll come to me this month”.

That’s the guidance for how we can work most constructively with the energy at this time.

Our last question:


Is there anything else we need to know for our journeys at this time?

“Hang in there humanity!” is what I immediately heard, “we know things are challenging for you” is what The Guardians are saying.

“We know there are quite a bit of shifts happening on your planet, your environments, your individual communities, politically, nationally and internationally”.

There’s just this deep acknowledgement coming through of this massive amount of shifting of information - I’m seeing a rapid, rushing river and you're in the rapids - “that’s what it’s been feeling like on your planet”.

The guidance coming through is: hang in there, remember you are not in this alone, remember that there is energetic support and assistance available to you—

“There are teams of divine beings who are helping your planet at this time, who are overseeing and answering the prayers many of you have been praying for - some of the situations that are grieving your hearts the most - know that you are not alone. You have a cosmic support team who are assisting your planet at this time. Know that your prayers matter, know they are being heard and they are being answered”.

When you pray, you create space for Spirit to do its work in bigger ways. You, in many ways, enable Spirit to move with more ease in the invisible and energetic realms.

“Your prayers are heard, they are being answered and there has been a collective shifting feeling of grief on your planet, a heaviness that has hung over many of you”.

Some of that has come from direct circumstances that have felt very heavy, and some of it has through energetically in your bodies - within your physicality and emotional centers where you have just felt heaviness.

The guidance coming through is that some of this is lifting - some of this is being lifted up at this time, and so despite some of the challenges you are facing, you might notice a new sense of lightness that begins to come through. I’m hearing the words “light body and a sense of lightness in your light body”.

Things are happening on multiple levels, and happening in ways you can’t always see - but rest assured Spirit has this, despite what it might seem.

With that, I’m hearing this amplification that each of you is a valued member of this team. Because as you move through your individual journey, as you work within the group of souls and the groups or individuals you’ve been called to work with; as you invest in the projects and anchor your energy into the things that are right for your soul path: you are part of a valued team.

That extends so far beyond yourself - it extends to many of you, who might not ever meet, however your souls are holding space for similar things. “And it extends to us” is what I’m hearing - us, meaning Spirit - and the realms of invisible support that are available to us on this human journey.

If you can see yourself as part of a greater team at this time, it’s going to support you in remembering you aren't alone.

It will remind you that help is always available, and that this is a month where when you ask, help is there. You are empowered to call upon divine guidance as much as you need, in all the ways you can think of - in any situation in your life.

Thank you for joining me in this transmission from the Akashic Records.

If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101

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Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.
