February Akashic Magic: Puzzle Pieces into Place

About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the energy of February 2023.

Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease, and clarity.

You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.

A few things to note:

1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records.

2. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.

3. The audio usually runs 12-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.

4. Information from the records is for self-contemplation and spiritual development and is not clinical or therapeutic advice.

* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)

February 2023 Akashic Magic
Dr BethAnne KW

Akashic Magic for February

As I was opening the Akashic Records for February 2023, multiple images were coming through clustered around the same theme.

I saw all sorts of different patterns, like stripes and plaids and fabric that had patterns on it. But all the patterns had a rhyme and a rhythm to it. And then I saw a puzzle being put together and pieces were being snapped into place.

And I also saw bricks or blocks being rearranged and creating a bigger picture. And with that the words that were coming through were “puzzle pieces into place”.

Reordering, synthesizing, making sense of things, building blocks and that kind of language.

So that brings me to my first question, and that is:

What is the overall energy for February of 2023?

February of 2023 is a month where many of you will be ordering a lot of the information and changes that have come through for you so far, in 2023.

And what it feels like is January was a month where a lot was happening on the surface. Many of you on your individual journeys have seen movement or sudden shifts; some of these changes feel big. Some of them feel like they might have been smaller, some of them have a sense of - I'm seeing a car going right and then going left and then going right - and there's this sense that you thought you were going one way and then you were going the other way, and you've been working with that kind of energy for a while.

So, January was a month where a lot was happening, movement wise.

And many of you made a lot of progress or had a lot come through in January. It also feels like it was a month where a lot of internal changes were going on – insights and information coming in spiritual downloads that might have been happening, new epiphanies, or new breakthroughs.

And so, there's a sense that all this information came through in January, and February is a month of integrating and synthesizing it.

And again, I'm seeing this image of snapping puzzle pieces into place. And if you've ever had the experience, where you have been working on a puzzle, and you've been staring at the same pieces forever, and you just can't quite figure out what goes where. Then suddenly you see it. And you have that moment where you're like, “oh, that's the piece” and you realize how to organize it.

That is what the energy of February feels like.

There's almost a sense of tidiness and sweeping up and cleaning away and putting things into an order that makes sense to each of us on our individual journeys.

So with that, let's move on to our next question. And that is:

How is the energy likely to show up for each of us this February?

I get the sense that January gave many people a broader sense of the direction that they might go in. And so, they took a step or steps in that direction, or at least thought about the direction they wanted to go in and how they were going to get there.

And the metaphor that's coming through for that is I'm seeing somebody planning a road trip. And perhaps they want to travel to a different state, and they're not quite sure of their destination.

And so, I'm seeing like, you're in Arizona, and you decide that you want to go to Utah, and you don't know what you're going to do until you get there - you think “I will figure it out on the road, I will figure out where I'm staying. I will figure these things out”. But you know that you're wanting to go somewhere in Utah, maybe you have a sense of where in the state that might be. And you decide to make plans to set out on in that trajectory.

There's this sense that many individuals in the month of January, at least had a sense of “here's the map. And here's where I'd like to end up” without perhaps knowing every step that was going to take them there.

It was more a sense of trying things and experimenting a little bit, asking questions like, “well, what happens if I do it this way? And what happens if I do it this way?” and perhaps doing a little bit more research and grounding some of these big ideas that were coming in; it feels like February is where some of the bigger foundational pieces might be put in place.

Let's say on this metaphorical road trip, you decide to book an air B&B for the night. And so now you know where you're going to be spending the first night or you know where you're going to be spending the second or third night. And so you start to plot the trajectory of how you're going to drive the exact route that you're going to take based on the notions that you do have.

There's a sense that February will be a month of making the intangible more tangible.

So, steps that you began to take will become more cemented and more fermented. There's also a sense that many of us will be taking in the bigger picture and grounding a vision into a tangible action step.

I'm seeing this collective light bulb going off during January of 2023, where many might have had this experience of “aha, this is the direction I want to go. Or this is the thing I want to create”. February feels like a month where it will be all about how you ground that idea.

Oftentimes, it's easy to get lost in the bigness of an idea. And to not quite see the individual steps that need to be taken to get there. Or to start an idea, which feels like it might have happened for many in January.

Let’s say you decide to start a blog. And so you pick a name for it. And maybe you pick a site to host it, and you maybe even create it. Maybe you even write that first post and say “hello, here I am.”

And then what often happens is people get overwhelmed by the sheer amount of possibilities. And they sometimes get in their own way and feel like they need to do too much too soon.

Sometimes there's a sense of needing to do it perfectly from the start. You never give yourself permission to take off from the ground because you're afraid of failing or not getting it right. There are many things that get in the way of cementing and fermenting a plan and beginning to execute it.

And this feels like a month where you will figure out some of the things you need to do to begin to take the next step or execute some of the plans that came through for January of 2023. There's a sense of again tidiness to the energy this month.

And I'm seeing each of us kind of taking one step, and putting both feet firmly in place, serving the landscape ahead of us, and then taking that next step.

Sometimes energy can feel so fast that we don't have time to get a foothold. And if you've ever ran down a mountain or run or done something where you're skipping or hopping, it's one foot than the other - you don't really stop to just pause and get your bearings. And you've had that forward momentum - it feels like January was a month where there might have been a lot of right as you're getting a foot down, you need to figure out what the next step is, or the next movement is.

 And February feels like a month where there will be some breath and pause, where you can put both feet down, look around and then figure out “now what's my next step before moving on to it?”.

And that brings me to my next question. And that is:

How can we best navigate the energy at this time?

“First one step and then the next” is coming through and the Records are building on what they just said about getting both feet in place.

I'm seeing a checklist and checking one thing off, and then the next and then the next.

So, what I'm feeling is what they said earlier about struggling to execute a bigger vision is something that it feels like many individuals might be struggling with. It feels like that's something that in general, people kind of struggle with—

You get this great idea. You want to write the book - you want to begin the blog. You want to do the podcast; you want to say “2023 is the year where I'm going to expand my social circle. And I want to start to network more.” And so, you take a step in that direction, and you sign up for something, or you do the first thing, and then you kind of get lost in it because it feels so big.

And there are so many things that come along and distract us in this day and age. And it is easy to begin something and not see it through.

I feel like the guidance at this time is whatever it is that is lighting your heart up, stay with it.

And whatever it is that you intentioned in January and said, “this is the thing I want to do” - keep taking the next step, it feels like right now is not the time to worry about the bigger picture, and exactly where it's going to end up. But just to ask, “what do I need to do next? And what do I need to do next?”.

And again, I'm seeing that road trip where you know you’re on your way to Utah, but you're travelling through - we'll say a lot of the continental United States – Utah is still a long way away, you don't know what's going to happen between now and when you reach Utah as your destination.

And so, your question might be, “well where am I going to stay tonight? Am I going to camp? Am I going to get a run at a motel and just take my chances and walk in? Am I going to book something and treat myself a little bit to something a bit more luxurious? Where am I going to eat? Where am I going to explore? Is there a site along the way that I might like to see?”.  

Whatever the answers to those questions are - and again, with this metaphor, there's not a right or wrong answer - there are so many different ways that this road trip could take place.

And so, the guidance really is just figure out your next step. And don't worry so much if it's not perfect, or if it's right or wrong. Or if you're not getting it exactly right, you are going to be moving in the direction that you are meant to go in.

Lose the perfectionism and allow yourself to enjoy the experience and the journey.

And let's say for example, with our road trip, you end up staying at some motel, and it's not a good experience and the waters cold and you can't sleep as the bed was hard. And you wake up the next day and you find out that like one town over there was this luxury a super cool boutique, little Air BnB or something like that. And you think “I wish I'd planned better. I wish I knew!” - the guidance that's coming through is:

Laugh about it. Learn from that. Learn that maybe at the next stop, you do a better search and don't leave it up to chance.

Just take the wisdom gained from the experience without the recrimination that you somehow messed up, somehow did it wrong – and if you can do that and be in a space of softness towards yourself and have compassion.

Realize that it’s this fun road trip that you're on as you journey through 2023. Try not to be a perfectionist and feel like you have to do everything, stay at the perfect places and eat at the best places and see all the sights -  just take things as they come.

This is going to feel easier and kinder and gentler on you.

And that is the energy: to navigate February 2023 step by step, not being a perfectionist and just being compassionate with ourselves and trying to find enjoyment along the way.

And that brings me to our last question. And that is:

Is there anything else we need to know at this time?

The Records almost always say something. But what I heard was “no, we've told you everything that you need to know.” So, that feels really complete for this month.

It feels like we know exactly what we need to do. We know that we're taking the next steps - we know not to be a perfectionist and to practice self-compassion and to have a little fun on the journey.

And I'm hearing the Record say “learn to laugh at yourself along the way. And learn to laugh at this experience of life”.

The more you are enjoy, the easier it is to create the path and to follow it with a lighter heart.

With that, I will close the records for the month of February. And I will be back here in March with a new message from the Akashic Records for the energy of March of 2023.

Thank you for joining me in this transmission from the Akashic Records.

If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101 or Understanding the Akashic Records.

If you’d like to explore what your Akashic Records have to share with you to guide you on your path at this time, you can find more about Akashic Magic Sessions HERE.

Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.