September Akashic Magic: Distilling Truth

About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the monthly energy.

Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease, and clarity.

You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.

A few things to note:

1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records.

2. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.

3. The audio usually runs 10-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.

4. Information from the records is for self-contemplation and spiritual development and is not clinical or therapeutic advice.

* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)

Akashic Magic for September 2024

September of 2024— as I was opening the records for this month, I immediately saw stacks and stacks of different kinds of items.

The first image that I saw was stacks of various papers and things that are stacked up on a desk, reaching like really, really high that need to be sorted through. Then that image shifted to one of stacks of different kinds of books that were in these vertical columns.

Again, there was a sense of sifting and sorting and organizing and planning that came with that.

It feels like this is a month when we are going to be invited into looking at things in greater detail and really studying things closely. The words that are coming through that go with these images for the month of September are “distilling truth.”

So with that, let's dive more fully into the message and ask our first question:

What is the overall energy for the month of September of 2024?

September of 2024, feels like a month where we are being invited to look at the world around us and remember that there is always more to things than meets the eye.

It feels like a month where we are going to be asked to go under the surface or sift through the different layers of information and perspectives and different vantage points, ways of looking at things and being asked to really evaluate and sift for our truth and the situations and the things that we understand as our day to day reality and our individual lives.

It's going to be a month where your eye is drawn to attention for detail. There is, again, an invitation to examine things more clearly.

This doesn't feel like a month where you just give something a cursory glance and take it for what it is and check it off your list. But it feels like a month that there is more of an energy of preparation, planning, organizing, sorting through—

As I'm saying those words, I'm seeing all these different images, flashes of different sticky notes, or if you were going to cross color code a textbook or a binder with all these different indexes, the kinds of things that represent planning and categorizing and looking at things to truly understand and get a handle on— what is it that I'm looking at?

And that feels like a really nice segue into our next question:

How is the energy likely to show up for us in the month of September?

I'm seeing somebody sitting with their day planner, and they are making list and figuring out when they're going to do what thing.

This feels less literal— it might be something that it is about tangible planning and how you're going to organize your day— but this also feels metaphorical as well, and it feels energetic like taking inventory, not only of what is composing your day to day, but this feels bigger than that.

It feels like taking inventory of where are you at in life right now:

  • What are the kinds of things on your spiritual to do, list, your energetic to do list, your relationship to do list.

  • Where are you at in your relationships, your relationship with yourself and with others, and with your work and any other piece that might compose your day to day life.

  • Where are you at right now, with your relationship with the world, with the social events, the political events, the global events going on around you.

This doesn't feel like a month where the Akashic is telling us that we have to take inventory of every single category. It more feels like whatever is relevant to you, whatever keeps coming on your radar, wherever you are being invited to distill truth and to examine something in your world more closely, no matter what subsection that falls in for you.

This is a month where there is going to be space to do so, and you will be well served by finding the space to do so.

And I feel like this is already piggybacking on our next question:

How do we best navigate the energy for the month of September?

Taking thoughtful pauses and space for pauses throughout the month will serve you well.

As I'm feeling into the collective energy, I don't feel that there's going to be tons of space this month. It doesn't feel like collective events are going to come to a standstill or things slow down.

It's more about us as individuals taking thoughtful, intentional pauses throughout our day and throughout our weeks, and really evaluating how we are structuring our lives, and really evaluating:

  • The framework of my day to day right now— how is that working for me?

  • Is the framework of my relationships, how I'm relating to the world around me, how I'm thinking about myself and my role and my purpose?— are those structures and are those frameworks working for me?

If the answer to that is “yes,” then continuing to move forward with conscious minded intention. And if the answer to that is “no,” or “I don't know,” then taking a step back and taking space to evaluate why not, or what could be different, or what would I like to create over the next few months?

If I want to be in a different space six months from now, then I find myself right now, what are the steps that I need to take to get there? And if I don't know each individual step, Can I at least identify the vision of where I want to go?

This feels like a month of really taking a step back and looking at the whole of our lives and just doing that evaluation work.

And it feels like this is going to serve each of us well as we move into the last quarter of 2024.

It feels like a setup for success for the last quarter of the year, it feels like an opportunity to clear out cobwebs from any spaces in your life that you haven't had time to tend to to do a little bit of cleanup, to do some decluttering.

You might want to do that in a tangible way, and clean a space or clear a space or donate something or recycle a bag of old papers to do something that represents that.

But it feels like it is setting each of us up if we are to do this work in our own individual way for the rest of the year, and what I see us doing with that is sailing into the metaphorical finish line of 2024 feeling more at peace, feeling like our hearts are more well organized.

There's a little bit less clutter to clear at the end of the year, because you've done that work now, and it feels like a preparation as well, a clearing of the slate to move into the year 2025.

So, there's all sorts of small benefits that will come from taking the time to do that right now. And other than that, the energy just supports it! It just feels like a month where grounded steps and tangible task and new practical insights want to come through and tangible, concrete ways that you will be able to translate to the day today.

So with that, I'm going to ask our last question, and that is:

Is there anything else that the records want us to know for the month of September?

I'm feeling two things come through: the first one is an exhortation, and it's simply the keepers of the record saying each of you is doing such a fine job right now.

And it feels like this collective acknowledgement that so often we get so focused on the path and so focused on the next step and just showing up and doing the right thing that the acknowledgement and the pausing to appreciate not only how far you've come, but really seeing you are doing a good job.

You are showing up, you're doing what you can. You are learning, you are growing. You are humaning.

And so it just feels like the records want each of us to know that like a gold star from the records to whoever's listening to this this message. So that feels really affirming.

Then the second thing that I heard was this re-emphasis on the message of the importance of just taking time this month to take rest, take space, take a breath, to put breath throughout your day.

It feels like right now, things are moving so quickly that it's really easy to get wrapped up in them.

What I feel from the records is the importance of mindfulness and small breaks and scheduling five minutes out in nature, a ten-minute walk at lunchtime, sixty seconds to breathe and gaze at the clouds before you turn your attention to the next task.

It doesn't have to be anything grand. It can be something small, but little pauses add up this month and go a long way to helping create space and your day to day for some of this work of sifting and organizing and planning to come through.

It's going to allow each of you to catch up with yourselves, catch up with your day, catch up with life right now, and you will feel calmer and more grounded and peaceful because of it with that, the records got really quiet.

So that concludes our message for the month of September. I will be back next month for October's Akashic magic message. In the meantime, as always, thank you to the records for sharing your wisdom with us.

Namaste, Amen, and Blessed be.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s Akashic Magic message.

If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101 or Understanding the Akashic Records.

Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.