October Akashic Magic: Shifts in Perception & Direction

About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the energy of October 2023.

Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease, and clarity.

You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.

A few things to note:

1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records.

2. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.

3. The audio usually runs 12-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.

4. Information from the records is for self-contemplation and spiritual development and is not clinical or therapeutic advice.

* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)

October 2023 Akashic Magic
Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright

Akashic Magic for October

All right, the Records are open for October of 2023.

With some very interesting imagery, the first thing that I saw was almost like if a waterwheel had been cranking in one direction entirely, and it was forced to come to almost a complete stop and reverse directions and start going in the other way.

And I saw other images that were very similar to that, of some sort of a wheel or something that had been set into forward motion, stopping suddenly, and going in reverse along with a car on a road all the sudden realizing “oh, I need to go back and pull a U turn”. 

The other thing that I saw was an image of leaves falling off a tree. And as they hit the ground, the image reversed itself in my mind, and those leaves went backward, and they went back up and reattached themselves to the tree. So there was this interesting imagery of reversing course and changing direction. 

And energy coming through that felt like moving one way and then moving another entirely. And it felt like a shift in perception might be coming to us.

So with that, I am going to open with our first question. And that is:

What is the overall energy for October of 2023?

October of 2023 is a month that's going to offer each of you a change and perception.

And for some of you this might be about making a change in the direction you've been moving, where you literally feel called to move in a new direction. For some of you this might come through where it's more of a change at how you have been looking at something. And all of a sudden you see it from a different space entirely. 

I'm seeing right now an example or an illustration of an inkblot test - and you have been perhaps looking at this inkblot or some sort of image that's similar to that. And maybe you've been focusing on where the black ink is. And in the black ink, you see some form of a butterfly or you see a face, or you see a mountain or something like that.

And in your mind, you feel that you have a very clear sense of what this image is, and something comes along, and it helps you suddenly change how you're looking at it. And all of a sudden, instead of seeing all the black space in the picture, now you're looking at the white space. And you realize that when you look at that white space, it changes your perception of the picture entirely.

So that it either becomes a much more nuanced version of what you were already seeing, or it completely shifts shape and turns into something else. 

There is a bit of a sense of surprise coming through this month, where we might feel that we are surprising ourselves or surprised to say “oh, my gosh, this was right in front of me all along, and I didn't even see it”. 

So there's very much a sense of seeing things in a new way. And how that might show up feels like it could be either an inward perception, or events that are happening in our external circumstances and our lives. 

So that brings me to our next question. And that is:

How might the energy impact us individually and collectively this month?

Collectively, the biggest piece coming through is perhaps seeing some of the bigger things happening within the collective happening around the world and take on some sort of change of direction or a surprising shift.

And nothing specific is coming through on that. It's more a sense that we have all been observing and following many of the stories about world events - to whatever degree we feel called to be involved with that - and there is a sense of perhaps a  surprise twist is coming or something that we didn't see happening - all the sudden new space opens up up.

So there might be a sense where in some of the systems, and some of the bigger structures that many of you have been observing or maybe even participating in, if the energy has felt like it is just kind of grinding along and nothing's going to change, there might be some new shifts coming up. 

And there might be some, whether it's big changes, or a sense of new space opening up; you might see some shifts happening in the collective in a big way in October.

Individually, what I'm feeling, again, is that echo of changes inside of us that offer us an opportunity to change direction. 

And what I feel like with this energy is that this is not necessarily a month where every single person who listens to this message is going to feel called to make a U turn in their life, or either go back and go grab something that they forgot - or go back and realize that they’re going in the wrong direction entirely. Some of you might, though, is how it feels. 

For some individuals, this might be something that feels like you really thought you were headed one way, and then you feel called to change course and go in a different direction.

But for many, what I'm feeling is that there is going to be a sense of new insight opening up around the ingredients in your life, and looking at something that you have stared out for a long time and seeing it through a different set of eyes entirely. 

And what I'm seeing with this is if somebody were slowly working on a jigsaw puzzle, and let's say it's one of those 5000 piece ones, or something that's very complex, and there's many pieces to it, and they've put the framework in place and even filled in some of the sections, but they're really stuck. And it kind of reached a point where it stopped to feel fun, because they just could not figure out where the pieces went.

And so they've just taken a step back, it's almost like you are walking past this table where this jigsaw puzzles been sitting in your living room for months, and you haven't really revisited it. And all of a sudden something catches your eye. And you realize that one of the pieces that you've looked at 1000s of times before, dozens of times before, all of a sudden you see where it fits, and you snap that piece into place.

And it somehow allows everything else to shift in your perception entirely. 

The other image that's coming through is if you were to rearrange the furniture and its furniture that you already have, but somehow you rearrange it and the moment that you rearrange that space, it just opens up the room, or makes it feel like you redecorated somehow, or almost like you've moved into a new space, there's this sense of freshness to the energy and excitement again. 

And so what I feel is, October is the month that might breathe new life back into things that have felt a little bit lifeless, or that have felt stagnant.

I'm seeing that image again of a fall tree with the leaves that have fallen to the ground. And it's like all of a sudden, the leaves reverse course and they go back to the tree. And instead of brown, they slowly turn back to green when they're in full bloom.

And there's a sense of a spring awakening that is happening as well, for many of you it's fall, if you're in the northern hemisphere, springtime, if you're in the southern - by going with the metaphor of the full hemisphere or the northern hemisphere - that's where I'm at.

There's this sense of like the springtime coming in the fall, some sort of rebirth or freshness of energy. 

So that brings me to our next question, and that is:

How can we best navigate the energy for October of 2023?

“Prepare to receive the energy with a beginner's mind” is what's coming through. Approach the month of October with the expectation that you are going to be gifted with the opportunity to see things in your life through a new set of eyes. 

How might that change how you entered the month? How might it change how you expected things to show up for you? How might that help you stay fresh in your energy or give you a sense of excitement or anticipation? 

And if you can come to a place of being curious, being open and just staying in a receptive space for how things unfold - without prejudging how the energy is going to show up - “it feels like it's a lovely way to dance into October of 2023” is what the Records are saying, “this is a month to let go of preconceived notions”. 

And it is a month to engage with a freshness of energy and your life. If you are having a hard time having a sense of freshness in your life, the guidance from the Records is to try something new this month; this feels like a really good month to try a new activity.

Or if you have to do something that is the same old thing and you have a routine to do, flip flop that routine, like start at the ending and go back to the beginning. If you run errands in a certain sequence, start with whatever you would typically do last and reverse course on it, it feels like a month to play with the pattern a little bit and to shake things up in our own lives. And try reordering them to see how that feels to it. 

To us, the energy already feels like it's going to present ample opportunities to have a sense of repatterning and seeing things through a new lens. And if we take active, playful steps in our own life and play with our routines a little bit, play with how we're doing things, shake it up a little bit, try something different, it feels like we are kind of riding the wave of where the energy is at. 

It opens up even more opportunities to see things with a freshness and to see things with a slightly different viewpoint or a new lens.

And to notice things that have perhaps again, been right in front of you where there is something of value or some hidden gift in it. And we just haven't been seeing it because we get used to looking at our lifes and just getting kind of used to how things are.

And again, there's a sense of seeing some of the gifts of life coming through - seeing new light - seeing where there are hidden treasures in your life that you might not have even noticed. And so that feels like a very delightful energy this month, it also feels like a good attitude to bring to old problems. 

And what I'm feeling with that sense of reversing course. And that opening imagery of seeing wheels that were kind of stuck and grinding away. And it kind of came grinding to a halt and really had to work to reverse course; there are many of you who might relate to that metaphor where you have maybe felt like there have been things you've been going around and around and around again within your lives.

And if you can bring that curiosity of: how can I look at this same old problem? Or how can I look at this same old thing and bring a freshness of perspective to it? How can I notice it in a different way, look at it from a different viewpoint or try something new, or just invite spirit and invite the universe in and say “help me to see this from a different vantage point than the one that I currently have helped me to see - the whitespace that I might not be seeing; help me see the missing puzzle pieces.”

Invite that openness of energy, and it's going to feel very supportive for some of the things that many of you have maybe felt are stuck areas in your life. 

All right. Our last question is:

Is there anything else that the Records want us to know for October of 2023?

The word ‘gratitude’ is coming through.

And what I'm feeling with that is that having a gratitude practice this month of whether it is making a gratitude list, being mindful that you think of one thing each day that you can say thank you for or if you are in a moment that you find displeasing or mundane or routine, could you do a gratitude exercise in that moment, if you are stuck in line and you're bleeding for traffic, and you just want to get home at the end of the day?

Could you look at the sky and notice the color and feel grateful for the sky or be grateful to be in a working automobile? Or maybe you put on really good music and think “I'm so grateful I have access to good music while I’m stuck waiting” -

Anything you can do to bring gratitude into the moments of your day and small ways feels very supportive for this month and it feels like it is going to weave into that energy of staying open staying curious, seeing hidden treasures and hidden lights where you might not have noticed them before. 

It feels like an excellent month for being grateful for are what is already in our lives and looking at what is going right, how far we've come, what we've already accomplished, what we've learned gratitude for how each of us have grown and so far in the year 2023 and the growth that we're having in the cycles on our lives and where we're at.

It just feels like a month where it will be really easy to tap into that and that it's going to help open our gaze even wider to receiving the gifts that are already there. 

And with that, the Records became really quiet. So that feels like a great place to stop this message and to pause for now and wish all of you a beautiful October. 

I will be back here in November with a new Akashic Magic monthly message. And in the meantime, have an amazing October and we think through Records for their guidance.

Namaste. Amen. Blessed Be.

Thank you for joining me in this transmission from the Akashic Records.

If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101 or Understanding the Akashic Records.

If you’d like to explore what your Akashic Records have to share with you to guide you on your path at this time, you can find more about Akashic Magic Sessions HERE or Creative Soul Coaching Sessions HERE.

Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.