November Akashic Magic: To See By Candlelight
About this message…
The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the energy of November 2023.
Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease, and clarity.
You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.
A few things to note:
1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records.
2. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.
3. The audio usually runs 12-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.
4. Information from the records is for self-contemplation and spiritual development and is not clinical or therapeutic advice.
* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)
Akashic Magic for November 2023
All right, November of 2023, the Records opened with multiple images.
The first one is that I saw an individual who was holding an old fashioned candle, kind of a candle and a candle stick, and they were walking through a dark room. And I saw the words ‘to see by candlelight’ which flashed in my mind when I saw that image.
And then the next thing that I saw was an image of a diver down at the bottom of the ocean. And they were excavating - they were doing some kind of digging - and searching for something. And there was this kind of playful image of this treasure chest, a little cartoonish looking with coins and pearls and these fun things that they managed to find because they dare dive deep and go looking for it. And I saw the words ‘buried treasure’.
So those are the images and words that the Records opened with for November. So with that, let's find out more of what all that means and dive into the message.
Our first question is:
What is the overall image of November of 2023?
What I'm seeing in the Records is that the message for this month is really about learning to turn the lights on in places that have felt dark; in your life and your world, and in situations around you.
And so I have a sense this month that there is a sense of bringing clarity and a sense of bringing light to things that have previously been dark.
And I'm feeling with that, that you are the one who turns the lights on. I don't see this coming through as an image where you are in a dark room and all the sudden the light shines through and the sun is shining down and everything is illuminated.
There's an intentionality to turning the lights on. I'm seeing this figure again, who's holding this candlestick and is walking through this darkened room. And as they're holding this candle, they're investigating and looking very closely at what things are in this room, and they're orienting themselves to the space.
So there's very much a focus on us being the ones who turn the lights on, and us who shine a light right now into spaces that have felt a little skated or somewhat nebulous or previously dark somehow.
And that segues really nicely into our next question, and that is:
How is the energy likely to show up for us this November?
Again, I'm seeing the word ‘’intentionality’. And I'm feeling a sense of increased presence.
I am feeling a sense of many individuals going through things and in their life right now where they are needing to be intentional about looking for the light and the darkness.
They need to be intentional about searching for the buried treasure, searching for the hidden lights, searching for those silver linings.
I'm seeing again, that image of the deep sea diver who has found this buried treasure chest at the bottom of the ocean and is busy uncovering it. And what I'm feeling in the Records is that this diver had to look for it. It wasn't something where it came to the diver with a sense of ease and he or she was just hanging out on the shore and this treasure washed up.
This is more of a sense of bringing intentionality, bringing presence, bringing a mind for searching for the light that is there - because it is there right now. In your life at this time and in the world around you at this time.
I can definitely feel a collective weight of oppression and discouragement that is flowing through many hearts right now. And this feels very connected to things that we are seeing and hearing in the world around us - things that we might be seeing happen in places that we don't live, some of the things that we are definitely seeing as headlines in the news.
I feel a sense of collective weight right now to all of that, and it feels accumulative. It feels like it's not only what people are doing to people, and the horror and the cruelty and the grief, there’s so much grief that's for the environment as well. Grief and fear over the direction this world is going.
And so I can really feel this collective weight right now. And so when the Records talk about bringing an intentional gaze to look for the light, this feels like it is meant to be applied to our individual paths.
And it also feels like encouragement for how we can work with what is happening in the collective right now. How can we find opportunities for love? Or for goodness? Or for kindness or for support? How can we find something that we didn't see previously? Because the lights have now been turned on in a space that might have felt dark.
And that brings me to my next question. And that is:
How can we best navigate the energy at this time?
This feels like a very good month to make sure that you are taking some space for self reflection, whether that is meditative space, journaling space or space when you're outside or exercising - space where you're talking to somebody that you're having a heart to heart with or talking about things that might be weighing on your mind or weighing on your heart.
I feel like this is not a month to go it alone in the sense of just dialing it in and not paying attention to what is happening in your inner world, or staying disconnected if you have supportive connection right now, someone who is able to process some of this - “you need each other at this time” is what I'm hearing from the Records.
“And you need to show up for yourself at this time” is what I'm hearing from the Records as well.
And so what I'm seeing is that a practice this month that will serve everybody well is just being intentional about creating space, to process, creating space to reflect, creating space to think about this message and think about things like, what are some of the hidden lights that I'm seeing in my life at this time?
What are some of the things that I might be seeing that I am learning? What are the growth points? What's the growth edge? What is the creativity or the opportunity or the generativity? What is the new beginning? That possibly comes from some sort of chaos or destruction? What is my new beginning on the path?
If things in your individual path aren't going exactly as you like, where can you find light right now? Where can you find a sense of shifting how you see something, and seeing new space for adaptation - for reinvention to find a new perspective?
So this feels like a month where we are encouraged to be engaged with our hearts and active with our minds. It feels like a month where we are meant to connect with each other. We are meant to connect with our spiritual connection, we are meant to connect with ourselves.
We are meant to connect with the communities around us. I'm feeling a strong sense of gathering this month.
And some of that might coincide with the beginning of holiday festivities that so many might be celebrating from the end of October through December.
But I'm almost feeling that the season for many lends itself to a quality of get togethers - of gathering of community, looking for community and small ways.
The community in small ways might be an exchange you have at the grocery store. Or if you're in the coffee drive thru with the person serving you your coffee, it might be when you're out dog walking or doing something and you pass somebody else by and have an exchange of pleasantries.
There's a sense of really being open to connection points this month and not narrowing those down to having to look a specific way, but maybe just looking at the connections that you might organically have in your day already.
And I also feel a sense this month in addition to gathering, that our hearts will be engaged, and that our minds are encouraged to be engaged, we are encouraged to be critical thinkers, we are encouraged to think about what is happening in our own world, what is happening in the world around us.
And again, I'm seeing this exercise that each of us does, and we do it in our own way. And that is simply to ask the question, what has laid hidden that's coming to the surface right now? Is there any light to be found in this?
If you can't find the light in something, can you find the light and your own heart that cares enough to feel grief over something? Or to have a feeling towards something? Can you find the light in it? Not feeling apathetic towards something but feeling engaged? Feeling concerned?
Can you find the beauty where connection and goodness and joy are taking place? Can you celebrate nature's gifts and nature's beautiful message of how she just keeps on going and growing and composting herself and recreating herself, no matter what else happens?
If you are able to find those things this month, and find the ways that you are seeing this world by candlelight right now, and the places that you are bringing light in things that might feel dark - it feels like it's going to be very supportive for you at this point in time.
All right. Last question:
Is there anything else that we need to know for November of 2023?
You know, I'm really hearing this old adage, ‘you are the light that you've been waiting for’.
And I have a sense of this really feeling true for us this month. And that this is a message that so many of us need right now to remember - bringing our collective lights together shifts the energies and the world around us.
How much of a difference does one light make in a dark room? Well, ask the candle, ask the person holding that candle, who is navigating by this little beam of light.
Now, I'm seeing somebody with a little miniature flashlight - how important is that light? If they weren't to have it, that light becomes very important. And so there's this exhortation to not only look for the hidden lights right now, but look for the ways that you can show up in this world as a light at this time.
And I immediately heard on the tail end of that, “it doesn't have to be big”. One of the things I'm feeling from the Records - a very important take home message for all of us - is how much small acts of light matter.
Part of combating hopelessness right now, combating overwhelm, combating despair is to not only take things step by step, but it is to remember that all small acts of good are acts of good, they are all fostering light. They're all fostering love.
So, there is this guidance coming through not to minimize anything that you might feel called to do, even if it feels trivial. Again, I'm having this very simple metaphor come through. And I'm seeing somebody who works serving coffee, or who works at a counter and they have a tip jar. And what difference does it make if everybody who passes through puts $1 in the tip jar that day, or 50 cents in the tip jar - what would that make to that person at the end of the day? Let's say 50 people pass on through that day, and everybody puts at least $1 in the tip jar, that makes an enormous difference to that person who is working that job at the counter.
So don't minimize your metaphorical dollar, or your metaphorical 50 cents, as not being enough.
Keep in mind that all small contributions, all small acts towards good are important at this time.
And I'm hearing from the Records, “this includes your prayers and includes your intentions”. It includes behavior and action steps, something that you feel called to do that is a little bit more tangible.
But I feel in the Records, this is both immaterial and material actions, things that you might do spiritually, things that you might do that connect you or help out the environment, or help out each other - help out an animal or something like that.
So all small acts are needed at this time.
And again, I'm hearing this encouragement to take away this idea of big or small. What I'm feeling from spirit is that as humans, we have a tendency to quantify things because we are collectively working on healing the wound, that somehow we are not enough - and so there's this propensity to feel like taking a small step isn't enough, it doesn't feel like near enough in the face of like… fill in the blank.
And when I'm hearing from spirit is part of how you can work on healing that wound is to take away that small or big, and just do action steps, whether they feel small or big to you, whether they take a lot of time or a little bit of time, take away the system of quantification and the hierarchy and just do good things.
Find the light, be the light, shine your light in the ways that you feel called, I feel like not only does that make a positive contribution, but when we can take away that language of judging it or somehow quantifying it and labeling it it actually also helps heal this wound and the collective that it's not enough.
All right with that the Records just got really quiet. That feels like a really good ending place for this month.
I will be back in December with a new Akashic Magic and our end of the year message. In the meantime, have a beautiful November and we thank the Records for their wisdom and light.
Thank you for joining me in this message.
Namaste. Amen. Blessed Be.
Thank you for joining me in this transmission from the Akashic Records.
If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101 or Understanding the Akashic Records.
If you’d like to explore what your Akashic Records have to share with you to guide you on your path at this time, you can find more about Akashic Magic Sessions HERE or Creative Soul Coaching Sessions HERE.