June Akashic Magic: All Clear. New Cycle.

About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the monthly energy.

Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease, and clarity.

You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.

A few things to note:

1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records.

2. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.

3. The audio usually runs 10-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.

4. Information from the records is for self-contemplation and spiritual development and is not clinical or therapeutic advice.

* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)

Akashic Magic for June 2024

So, June of 2024 opened with an image where I saw somebody who had been standing in line - as if they embarked from a plane and they were waiting at the passport line to have a person look at their passport and give them clearance to let them go into this new country. 

What the image focused on was seeing this big stamp go down, and I heard this loud stamping, and the person said “all clear, you're free to go”.

And that was also followed by an image where I saw somebody who had been waiting in line at customs if they had been driving, or at the border of a country. And again, it was that same idea of giving somebody your passport and identification, having them look it over and say “you’re free to go”, here's the go ahead.

There was a sense of movement and moving into a new chapter or a new phase. 

So that is the imagery and sensations that the Records opened with for June of 2024, and our first question is:

What is the overall energy of June of 2024?

I'm seeing the words “new cycle”. And again, there is an echoing of that imagery of being given the go ahead and being given the green light; I'm having an onslaught of various images of different people traveling and passing through a checkpoint where you are cleared and you're able to go.

It feels like for the month of June - that’s what has been holding things back, and what has been taking place prior to this feels like it's cleared - as if everybody has passed an important checkpoint.

There's a sense that you're not at the final destination. But you have traveled through whatever leg of the journey you've been on so far.

And you've been given the green light to move ahead into new territory and new terrain. And that brings me to our next question, so we can find out more about what that means:

How is this energy likely to show up for us this month in June of 2024?

What the Records are saying is that each of you might have a newfound sense of adventure, and newfound sense of exploring a territory.

The Records are flashing back to an image from the message of January 2024. There was somebody who had just embarked or pulled up on a brand new patch of land - as if they've been traveling overseas - and they were an explorer, and they are looking at this very rough map that they have. And they're surveying the territory.

The Records are saying that that is where you were of January of 2024; surveying the landscape of what's to come, assessing where your supplies are, what losses or casualties or games might have happened and the passage to get to that point. This is a metaphor for everything that precipitated the year and came before us in 2023.

What the Records are saying is that the last few months, you have been discovering what happens after you survey the land and you start to move through the territory. What adventures have you found? What new things have you discovered? What surprise explorations or detours have you made? Where did you get lost? Where did you stick to the map? Where was the map completely wrong and you had to draw a new map?

So there's this sense that the first leg of this journey - of making this initial part of the passage is over. And you now have a sense of what the map looks like where you're going; you’re ready for what is to come.

It feels like a sense of a clearing and a sense of being able to take stock and recognize how far each of you has traveled. 

And that segues beautifully into our next question and that is:

How can we best navigate the energy of June of 2024?

It would be helpful for each of you to take a moment as you enter this new month and to a little bit of an inventory list. And what I'm feeling from the Records is that it might be helpful to look at what has come to pass.

What have you learned over the last five, six months? What kinds of challenges have you had? How might you have grown from those challenges? Or what did you find in the month of May?

This was a month of deep and profound healing and that was coming through for each of you in varied and diverse ways (based on where you're at on your journey), and really taking a moment to graduate yourself from the first quarter (and then some of the year) and prepare your heart as you move into a new space of self and a new life phase. 

So there is a sense of freshness this month, there is a sense of excitement. There is a sense of feeling rejuvenated, and reinvigoration coming back; many of you spent May in a space of receptivity and allowing healing to take place.

Many of you might have felt that you had passed through some great trial, or tribulation, and were regrouping and refining yourself and just kind of licking your wounds or retaking stock. And there is a sense of surgence of energy that comes with this month. 

And a surge of moving forward as many people across the globe (from many walks of life) are going to find a newfound sense of momentum all at the same time. And there's going to be a collective wave of movement - that's what I am feeling from the Records. 

So ride the wave, catch momentum from each other, catch the excitement of the freshness of this season. The energy does support movement, right now, it supports not only intention setting, but following through - it supports being ready for whatever is next. 

The Records are saying that some of you might have even received the guidance of like, yes, you're supposed to move ahead, but not quite yet. Don't rush, first you crawl, then you take a step, then you learn to walk and then you learn to run.

It feels like for this year that there's been a lot of energy tied up with individuals who are feeling like they're crawling or being held back or taking those steps. But they feel really hindered and like they haven't been able to break free.

There is a greater sense of freedom this month, and there's a very good chance that that momentum will continue to build into the month of July, and possibly even into the month of August. 

There's a sense of this great wave of movement and a great wave of change that is coming to everybody. And our guidance is to ride the wave and to look for places in your life where you can move. 

And what the Records are saying with this is that some of you might be wanting to move or make a change that's not quite yet supported due to your circumstances. Look at what you can change.

Pay attention to what movement you have made so far. And what are the things within your grasp and within your control that you can take momentum on and take charge of - and take action with - look for those things that feel reachable, and continue to keep letting go of things that you might not have control over.

And so you can't force it to move; that recognition of when to move and when to allow the river to move you - or to move the circumstances around you - feels like an important takeaway for this month.

And that brings me to our last question:

Is there anything else the Records want us to know for June of 2024?

I'm seeing the phrase “let the light in” and I almost hear a melody in my head like maybe that's even a song that I'm not quite picking up on. But there is a sense of letting the light that's already there shine into your life this month, and looking for the places where the light is already shining - looking for the places where you can focus on where the light is at work, because the light is going to feel more noticeable. 

The light is always there, and we are being brought back to the theme of the year of 2024, which is the anchoring of the light.

What the Records are saying is as the light has anchored on to the planet, and anchored into you and anchored in through some of the things going on in your solar system and the atmosphere - things that have caused you to look at the sky and look up to receive healing and to receive perspective; there is this trickle down effect of seeing some of that magic start to take place and the material aspect act in the tangible aspects of your life.

So look for where the light is shining and it will feel more noticeable this month. It will help fill your heart back up. It will help you reconnect with a sense of joy and again, connect with a sense of invigoration and feeling that momentum and that turn of the tide. And it just feels like good medicine for your heart. 

So let the light in. Look for where it is shining. Look for where it has been anchoring into your life.

Maybe you didn't even notice but there's new space, new light, new perspective, something has shifted, you have shifted - look for where the light is. 

And with that, we'll wrap up the message for June of 2024. I'll be back in July with a new message from the Records on the energy for the month of had. In the meantime, have a beautiful June and as always, thank you to the Records for sharing your wisdom with us.

Namaste, Amen and Blessed Be.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s Akashic Magic message.

If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101 or Understanding the Akashic Records.

Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.