July Akashic Magic: Beginnings and Regeneration

About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the monthly energy.

Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease, and clarity.

You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.

A few things to note:

1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records.

2. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.

3. The audio usually runs 10-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.

4. Information from the records is for self-contemplation and spiritual development and is not clinical or therapeutic advice.

* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)

Akashic Magic for July 2024

All right, the Akashic Records for July of 2024, as I was opening the Records, I very clearly saw the word ‘regeneration’, and I saw an image of a tree that was struck by lightning or something happened, set on fire, and it had been destroyed. It was charred, and there was no new growth on it. And I watched this image where it went into a nighttime scene, and it was feeling like time had passed, and when the sun came, the tree had regenerated itself.

There was this sense of this magical, miraculous life that grew in the night. And as I was seeing that image, I also saw the words ‘genesis’, and I had a sense of hearing a song called ‘A Brand New Day' by Van Morrison.

I started hearing that in my head, and there was again, this energy of if we went to sleep and we had a really long day and we woke up and we just felt renewed - like something had changed in the night - and it was almost like nothing was different.

And yet, we woke up feeling like a brand new person, or we just had this up leveling or glow up of energy, and it felt like, “ah, it's a brand new day! I can do anything”. And there was this huge energetic shift. 

So that is how the Records opened for July of 2024, which feels really exciting to me.  Let's dive into the message a little bit further and ask the Akashic:

What is the overall energy for July of 2024?

So July of 2024 is a month of beginnings. And once again, I'm seeing the word ‘genesis’. I am seeing ‘once upon a time’, the beginning of a story.

It's almost like there is a resurrection-type energy that is going to be happening this month, things that felt dead in the water, things that felt like they were complete or finished up, or like there just wasn't any more life to them.

It's like they're going to get their oomph back, or get some new juju, or get a second wind. There's something about a collective energy of second chances, regeneration, beginnings of things - the spark of energy that feels like July is a month where there are going to be a lot of things starting - a lot of things that are originating.

And it is a month that feels like it's building on the energy of June, almost as if June was the preface to a book and it set the stage for what is to come.

And you definitely felt like you picked up a new book and you were in a new story, but you hadn't quite dove into what that book was going to be about.

And so June is that first, that forward, or that first pre-chapter that kind of sets the premonition and allows the reader to appreciate the beginning of the story, and then it feels like July is chapter one, or some sense of picking up the sequel to something and being like, “well, what happened?”, and now you get to find out.

So there's a lot of positive energy that I'm feeling with the month of July, and it feels really bright.

So with that, let's go into our next question and ask:


How is this energy likely to show up for us individually?

This month, again, I'm seeing a collective group of sailboats and like if there was a regatta or something like that, and all at once, the wind came along, and everybody sails unfurled, and they started pushing off on the water and finding movement and finding what they needed to move things forward.

There was a collective energy that was happening in June, a collective momentum that the Records spoke about. And it was this big wave of energy that was hitting everything all at once.

And it feels like, in particular, that energetic wave picked up towards the last part of June, and it's carrying over as we move into the month of July.

And what you might experience is that initially, that collective wave felt like that big wind in your sails, a big swoosh that just came through and ignited some movement.

And it feels like July will start to level off a little bit, and some of that energy might come through in a bit more of a gentle way, as opposed to the giant wave, but the energy definitely continues.

It is a month of more inspiration. It is a month of feeling - I'm seeing people planning projects and having sparks of ideas for whatever it is that they're working on, in terms of their individual journeys.

It feels like a month of epiphanies and revelations, and this feels less esoteric. 

It doesn't feel quite so much as if the individual is having some big spiritual epiphany where they get all mystic minded and see the bigger picture of how life is weaving together.

It feels more like practical inspiration; something on the ground level that you have been working on, or needing movement with, or needing something to shift.

There is something very practical and very tangible that you are going to receive inspiration for this month, and it might be a creative project, a relationship, a work project, or a collaboration. 

There are multiple ways that will come through based on who you are, but what I'm feeling is these lights turning on in people's minds, and these sparks of inspiration, where things come together even more this month.

You realize that you've been writing a story this entire year, and all of a sudden, you kind of get what that story's about—and you feel ready to take the next step. 

You feel ready to write what comes next, to see what comes next. So again, the energy feels optimistic, it feels positive, it feels exciting. 

And that brings me to our next question, which is:

What guidance do the Records have for how to best navigate the energy this month?

I see everybody being really practical about things this month, like, I'm seeing people making not so much a checklist for planning, but more like “there's so many great ideas going on - you might want to write them down!”.

You might want to capture them and get it down on paper so that you don't lose it and get sidetracked by the next great idea.

And then you might want to write down the ideas that come through - “what are five steps I could take to achieve this, or what's my next step?”.  

So I see a practicality to it. This month, I see this popcorn effect happening, where instead of trying to force inspiration, it just kind of lands. And so again, there's this kind of comical picture I'm seeing of light bulbs going off on top of people's heads, and it feels like there's just inspiration after inspiration. And again, I see taking out a notebook and jotting it down somehow, so that you have a sense of all these great ideas that you're collecting.

And what it feels like is that this is going to set the groundwork for the second half of the year 2024.

It's almost like you're going to receive all these great things that you want to do, like your second half of the year, bucket list. And bucket list doesn't necessarily mean a grander life bucket list. In the sense of, here's these huge things that you want to do while you're still here on the planet - it feels more containable, like, what are the things that you really want to accomplish or try and get done or try and act for the second half of this year?

What feels doable, what feels tangible? And then I'm seeing a couple things on the list that are maybe a little bit of a stretch or a little bit of a bigger dream.

They're not totally out of the ballpark, but it's a little bit of a stretch to get there, just to expand the mind and continue to remember that we make bigger possibilities happen through first conceiving them, believing we can manifest them, and putting energy into them. 

And so there's something about using the inspiration this month to expand possibilities and to think about some things that, again, might be a bit of a reach, but that aren't completely out of the ballpark, just to remind each of us to stretch our wings and to dream a little bit bigger and dream a little bit wider. 

All right, with that, let's ask our last question, and that is:

Is there anything else that the Records want us to know for the month of July? 

I have such a sense from the Records of “buckle up and enjoy the ride”. Enjoy the energy this month.

There is a sense of joy coming through. I am getting again, those optimistic - positive movement oriented vibes. I'm getting a lot of feelings of light and appreciation, and it just feels like a very good vibe month.

And so there's an idea around it that we don't have to force it. There's not that heavier energy of trudging through the month that sometimes we'll have when things feel denser, there is more of just receiving it, receiving the inspiration, and then following through— being a good steward of the ideas that are given to you.

And what the Records are saying is that if an idea lands in your mind and it really hits your heart and you feel like it's for you to do, then follow through with that idea by starting to make it real, making a plan around it, at least putting it on that list of things that you would like to try and reach for - by doing some manifestation work, or visioning or intention work around it, doing something with it.  

So you don't have to do anything to receive the inspiration this month, the onus of responsibility just falls on taking that next step as that inspiration comes through, and finding the next step that feels the most intelligent for you and wherever you're at on your journey at this time, and with that, the Records just got really quiet. 

So have an amazing month of July. I will be back in August for a new Akashic Magic message. 

And as always, thank you to the Records for sharing your wisdom with us. 

Namaste. Amen. And Blessed Be.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s Akashic Magic message.

If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101 or Understanding the Akashic Records.

Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.