Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright

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August Akashic Magic: Magic in the Chaos

About this message…

The following is a transcription and audio transmission from the Akashic Records on the monthly energy.

Akashic Magic is my free monthly offering of light to make the wisdom from the records accessible to anyone who is looking to connect with higher guidance and make sense of the world in these changeful times, so we can live with more peace, ease, and clarity.

You can access this month’s message by reading the following transcription or listening to the audio below.

A few things to note:

1. Information from the records is kept at a high, loving frequency and comes through in images, metaphors, feelings and words, which might be a new experience for those unfamiliar with the records.

2. I recommend listening to the audio or reading the transcription with an open mind and heart and only taking what resonates for you and your journey at this time.

3. The audio usually runs 10-15 minutes, so you may wish to clear space, grab a cup of tea or light a candle, and settle in for a little soul-care time.

4. Information from the records is for self-contemplation and spiritual development and is not clinical or therapeutic advice.

* if you feel called to reprint or share any part of this, please include author & web link to honor copyright law- thank you! :)

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August Akashic Magic Dr. BethAnne Kapansky Wright

Akashic Magic for August 2024

As I was opening the records, I immediately had an image of a tilt-a-whirl type of ride at the State Fair, and that quickly shifted into an image of a Merry Go Round on the playground that wasn't just spinning, but it was attached to a spring, so it was also tilting back and forth. 

There was this overall sensation of feeling disoriented, and having a difficult time keeping our balance; if somebody was on that ride, they might feel really spun around.

But what I saw was so beautiful - because at first I saw somebody just trying to stand and find some form of equilibrium, and that completely shifting, spinning, disorienting, up and back and forth energy. And then I just saw them sit down, like if they sat down and held on to the nearest bar or the nearest pole, they would find much more balance and so much more equilibrium, even if things were spinning around them. 

And as I was having all that imagery come through, I clearly saw two phrases come to mind, and these words flashed in my mind's eye; the first one was “anchor and the chaos”, and the second one was “sovereignty of magic”.

So I am very curious to find out more about this month's message. And with that, let's dive into our first question, and that is:

What is the energy of August of 2024?

What is immediately coming through, as I asked this question, is this idea that August is a month of staying in your magic, of staying in your center, of finding a way to anchor and to create a sense of equilibrium when the world around you is shifting and things feel like they are changing at a pace that you can't keep up with.

And what the Keepers of the Records are saying is that there is a lot of information coming your way at this time.

There's a lot happening on the world stage, on the global and in local levels, and I have a sense of just being inundated and bombarded with information, with events going on, and with occurrences happening.

And the way that's coming through in my mind's eye is if somebody was out and they were walking, and all of a sudden the sky opened up and it started hailing, and they're just getting pummeled by all these little, tiny ice balls, and they need to go run for shelter or find a way to protect themselves. 

And that feels like the energy for August of 2024 and that's not coming through in a way that feels scary or a way that feels negative, or in the sense of the need to protect ourselves.

It's more coming through in an empowering way that you have everything you need to be empowered at this time - to stay in your magic, to exercise spiritual and energetic protection, to come into a place, a center, and find ways to anchor yourself even as the world around you shifts. 

So with that, let's move into our next question, and that is:

How is the energy likely to show up for us in August of 2024? 

I'm seeing again, this idea of waves of energy crashing, things tilting, things shifting. It just feels like there's a lot going on. And the way that's coming through in the Records is they're echoing what they said earlier, that this is happening on multiple levels. 

“There's a lot going on in your world at this time, there's a lot going on in your communities. Some of you might have things going on in your immediate relationships and in your family systems and people around you or in businesses, and all of this is being affected by these greater fluctuations in energy at this time”. 

And with all that going on, I just see everybody sitting down as if we're all on that spinning ride, and we have been trying to stand on two feet and not grab onto anything, and somehow expect ourselves to keep our balance.

And instead, I just see each of us just sitting one by one, just sitting down and grabbing onto the nearest handhold, and realizing that you are so much better anchored when the energy is fluctuating - if you can find as many points of contact as possible - the things that anchor you; they are the truths that you come back to.

They are your sense of vision for why you are here, your sense of purpose, the things you come back to time and time again.

So whatever holds true for you, whatever essence of truth you have about who you are and what you know about your journey and your purpose, and the things that help you feel calm and grounded and peaceful, those practices are going to be an anchor at this time. 

And that brings me to our next question, and that is: 

How can we best navigate the energy for the month of August? 

“Magic is rippling all around you” is what the Records just said. And there's such an interesting juxtaposition of energy going on this month, because I can feel this sense of chaos, and again, the sense that things are happening at a very rapid rate.

There's a velocity of information going on that feels very connected to the collective and many of the things that might be current events happening - things that we're reading in the headlines, and that feels very jolting. It feels like many of us are trying to make sense of it, trying to figure out, “what is my truth in this? What do I think about this?”

And so on the one hand, there's this energy that is just swirling, and then on the other hand, I see all this stardust and this golden energy that is also swirling with it.

And there is this sense of magic being afoot this month. There is a sense of a lot of beautiful cosmic energy that is happening.

A lot of space for intuitive insight, a lot of support from your spiritual connection. This feels like a good month for you to connect with the idea of magic in your life. 

There is a sense of that beautiful energy that is moving through things this month. And what I can feel is that if we can focus on that, and we can focus on what feels magical, what feels beautiful, what feels wonderful, what opens us up, what helps us feel connected to each other, to our spiritual connection - what helps inspire in us a sense of awe and amazement - if we can find those things, it is going to support us and help us stay in our lane, staying in our magic, learning to look at the chaos.

Be an observer of it. Be a contemplator of “what does this mean to me?, and what do I think about some of this information and these things that I'm hearing and seeing?”

Then come back and anchor into a place of feeling like you are in your mojo and you are still connected to whatever it is that lights your heart up. 

So with that, I will ask our last question, and that is:

Is there anything else that the Akashic Records want us to know about for August 2024?

“Don't be deterred from your journey at this time”,  is what the Records are saying, there are many of you that are perhaps questioning “is what I'm doing enough?”.

There might be a sense of feeling hopeless or helpless in the scope of some of the global crises and challenges going on, and I feel such a strong exhortation from the Records to not give up and to not be deterred from whatever good works you feel called to do.

To not be knocked out of whatever keeps you in a space of sharing love as you feel called to share love, being kind as you feel called to be kind - the things that you do that foster light - be in a space of the light, and to practice light, and to work your light, and to work with the concept of being in your light.

It doesn't matter so much what you do, what the Records are saying is that it matters that you don't give up on it, and that you don't fall into a space - a feeling that that that is too small or minuscule in the scope of some of the things that feel more chaotic in your world at this time -  each of you is here for a purpose, and each of you is here to do good works and the way that you feel called. 

So don't be discouraged. Stay in your magic and allow yourself to be a conduit for the light. 

And with that, the Records just got really quiet. So we will wrap up this message for August of 2024. I will be back next month with September's Akashic Magic message. 

In the meantime, have a beautiful August and as always, thank you to the Records for sharing your wisdom with us. Namaste. Amen and Blessed Be.

Thank you for joining me for this month’s Akashic Magic message.

If you would like to learn more and want to keep going on your Akashic journey, then I invite you to learn more about the records in the following article: Akashic Records 101 or Understanding the Akashic Records.

Be love. Be well. Be you. Be magic.