Posts tagged intuition
October Akashic Magic: Terra Firma

October of 2024: as I was opening the records, I was seeing multiple images of different kinds of land, and a very specific image that my mind's eye honed in on is a memory from a movie called "Gravity."

It is towards the end of the movie there is a space pod hurtling back down to earth, and it lands in the water, and the ending scene is the lead character getting out and getting into the water and then moving onto the land for the first time.

It's a deeply symbolic movie, and that is what I what I saw in my mind's eye as I opened the records—images of somebody taking their first steps after a voyage, and they have arrived on new ground.

And I saw the words terra firma, solid ground, firm ground...

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April Akashic Magic: Look Up

The Records opened for the month of April with a sense of everybody gazing upwards. And this came through and multiple ways. 

First, I saw a big starry sky, and I saw someone standing and they were looking up. Then I saw an air show, and there were all these planes in the sky. And they were doing loops and tricks. And again, everybody in the audience had their gaze captured upwards.

And I saw the words “look up” and very much had a sense of upward motion, and stars and being drawn towards things that feel higher and more spiritual, intuitive and awe inspiring this month. 

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November Akashic Magic: To See By Candlelight

All right, November of 2023, the Records opened with multiple images.

The first one is that I saw an individual who was holding an old-fashioned candle, kind of a candle and a candle stick, and they were walking through a dark room. And I saw the words ‘to see by candlelight’ which flashed in my mind when I saw that image. 

And then the next thing that I saw was an image of a diver down at the bottom of the ocean. And they were excavating - they were doing some kind of digging - and searching for something.

And I saw the words ‘buried treasure’…

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August Akashic Magic: Heightened Intuition

Prior to opening the Records, I had some really interesting images start coming through. Different than anything I've channeled for Akashic Magic before.

The first thing I saw was this very starry sky. Like if you were just gazing upward, and you were looking at the Milky Way.

This individual standing up and just staring at the stars and staring at this nebula and all these stars up in the sky…. and I saw the words ‘heightened intuition’, ‘intuitive awareness’, and ‘inner knowing’…

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June Akashic Magic: To Turn The Lights On

The Records for June of 2023, opened with a sense of very bright sunlight, or very bright light streaming through - it felt shockingly bright.

And this felt like as if you had been in a dark cave or in a room of darkness for a while, and all of a sudden, you stepped out into the daylight and the sun is hitting your eyes, it’s both dazzling, it’s glaring, it's beautiful. It's also a little bit jarring. And that was the opening image as the Records were opening up.

And the words that were coming through as I was opening the Records were “illumination” and “to turn the lights on”…

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May Akashic Magic: Earth Movement, Personal Power

This feels like a month of quite a bit of movement. And what I was seeing as the Records opened was a sense of the earth shifting below our feet.

And almost as if the earth shifted, or a cartoon-type tidal wave - I saw this as a cartoon - kind of picks us up, we're in the ocean, and it moves us somewhere, and I saw us being safely deposited to the shore.

There was a sense of being picked up and carried and deposited and finding ourselves on new ground. And the words that came through for the month of May (that followed those images) were “Earth movement”…

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April Akashic Magic: New Horizon

As I was opening the Records for the month of April of 2023 - there were several different images coming through.

First, I saw a calm, clear and glassy sea. And there were birds that were flying over the air. And the sense of the scene was that a storm had recently cleared.

And so, there was this sense of clearing and clean air and freshness. And that idea that you get when something has been chaotic, or frantic, and stills, and you have a moment to pause and look around and kind of assess what happened. And where are we now…

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December Akashic Magic: Return to Innocence

What I’m feeling, with December of 2021, is that there’s an invitation to return to a space of cultivating a child-like gaze, where we are invited to look at the world with new curiosity and new wonder.

Some of that feels very tied into the holiday season, and the solstice, and just the amount of celebration that often happens around this time of year, leading up until the turn of the New Year.

There’s a lot of opportunities within those moments to practice acting like a child would, if they were experiencing the holiday for the first time. To have that child-like delight and that innocent gaze of just excitement - over the festivities, over the celebrations…

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Messages from Spirit: The Playful Mind

Have fun with it. Try not to take yourselves so seriously and it will be easier on you.

It is harder to get through to the serious mind, because the serious mind has a tendency to overthink and feel that have to get it right, which closes you off to your natural receptivity.

But the playful mind delights in curiosity. Like a small child looking at the world anew…

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One Step at a Time: Navigating the Unknown

We have several families of baby chicks on the property right now.

The eight, who I now call the adolescents, appeared about 7 or 8 weeks back. Right around the time when the world was stopping and everybody went indoors. We’ve been feeding them and watching them grow since from tiny little balls of baby fluff to gangling, rather awkward looking teens.

The little yellow family appeared about 4 weeks ago…

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Happiness Is The Act of Being Whole

Back in January I chose 'Happiness' as the theme I wanted to learn about and grow in 2020.

Each year I choose a word or phrase whose essence and energy I'd like to better know and understand. Then as the year goes on, I begin to see what the word has to teach me, which always shows up in unexpected ways— sometimes rewriting my definition and understanding of the word entirely.

For example, I once chose “Peaceful Heart” with the intent that my life be drama free and heart healing after a previous year fraught with transition and heartache…

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We Are Our Own Experts: 3 Ways to Embrace Our Experience of Self

Carrying an invisible wound inside of yourself isn’t easy. When I lost my brother in 2016, I walked around for a long time afterwards feeling like half of my lungs had been ripped out.

I looked whole on the outside. Perhaps if you looked in my face you might see the stress lines and grief in my eyes, but otherwise my appearance showed nothing to indicate the deep suffering I felt inside.

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Message from the Birds

It’s a sunny day on the island, and though bird songs are always plentiful here, they seem to have increased tenfold over the last month. Riotous melodies and chimerical chirps accompany these words, reminding me to find the joy in day.

It has come to my attention lately, that I’m very good at getting ahead of myself in life.

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