Posts tagged inspiration
Approaching the New Year With Grace

I believe a new year is best approached with a lot of grace— grace for our processes, grace for each other, grace for all the things that feel done and complete from the previous year, and grace for all that still feel undone and a work in progress.

Resolutions, intentions, and visions can be beautiful, pointing us in the direction we wish to go. But they can also feel like added pressure and a setup for failure if it’s not the right season in life or we are not in a space to follow through…

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December Akashic Magic: Celebrate and Be Upheld

December of 2023, the Records opened with so many different positive images that were coming through. 

First, I saw someone laying in a hammock that was strong up between two palm trees, and it was just gently swaying in the breeze. And there was a sense of a lull in energy, a sense of being held, and a sense of being supported that came with that. 

And I also had a sense of Safari vacation holiday with this energy of having an adventure. And I saw the words “write your own adventure, choose your own adventure, writing a new chapter” and an image of somebody with binoculars and a backpack on their back.

There was this really fun; a delightful sense of Safari-type energy and adventure, and it feels really positive...

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June Akashic Magic: New Vision

June of 2022 is a month of clear seeing - and how that's coming through is: if somebody had a pair of glasses on that they wore, and the glasses were maybe foggy or had clouds on them or grit on them that was keeping the person from seeing fully.

I'm seeing this image of taking those glasses off and really, you know, rubbing a soft cloth over them and cleaning them up and when the person puts them back on, everything feels so much sharper. It feels so much more nuanced.

There’s a sense of a wider gaze and seeing things from a clean and fresh perspective…

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Finding Perspective in Challenge & Change

I once wrote the words March comes with a side dish of chaos. For whatever reason, I’ve found this to be true across the years.

Maybe it’s because March is named after the God of War, Mars, and Mars energy is typically fiery, willful, and can be conflict-oriented.

Maybe it’s because March hosts the vernal equinox and there’s a hectic rush of energy as the earth makes her final preparations to awaken and birth us into spring’s cycles…

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Rose Gardens in The Stars (let your dreams be limitless)

Whatever it is that you’re dreaming about- - dream bigger.

Don’t waste time thinking about how it’s going to happen or if it’s possible or how you will get there- - just start by dreaming. \

Start by allowing yourself to imagine something beyond what you have previously imagined. Start with the seed of a rose and imagine planting an entire garden…

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Messages from Spirit: Your Capacity For Light

Each of one of you may be experiencing some degree of fear right now.

Some degree of uncertainty. Some degree of questioning bout the course you see your world taking—

What if we told you it was safe to trust? In your personal spiritual connection. In your own heart. In your connection to All That Is…

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It Begins In You: A Prose of Encouragement

Each day is yours to take and make.

I know it doesn’t always feel this way. I know it’s hard sometimes. I know the struggle is real. I struggle too.

And yet I also know there is so much beauty when we take the time to find our rose colored glasses and notice all the places our world is painted in color.

There is good happening when we cultivate good by finding the joy that exists.

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Turning Point: A Solstice Message

A special message from the angles for solstice 2019.

The energy of Solstice 2019 is characterized by a turning point.

It is a time of retreat, stillness and rest in the Northern hemispheres, and light and movement in the Southern. But for all of humanity, the common theme is choices and moving in a direction that continues to align you with what you already know.

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