Posts in Reflections
Approaching the New Year With Grace

I believe a new year is best approached with a lot of grace— grace for our processes, grace for each other, grace for all the things that feel done and complete from the previous year, and grace for all that still feel undone and a work in progress.

Resolutions, intentions, and visions can be beautiful, pointing us in the direction we wish to go. But they can also feel like added pressure and a setup for failure if it’s not the right season in life or we are not in a space to follow through…

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Reordering My Heart: December Reflections

Something I’ve increasingly noticed over the past few years is a calling to turn inward come December.

As the sun rises a little later and the ocean crashes with more ferocity at night, I feel a soulful need to take inventory, reflect, and close things out as the end of the year draws near, as if I’m clearing space from my inner worktable of psyche and soul.

Sometimes, I make lists in my journal, going month by month or grouping things by quarter and writing down the major themes, occurrences, and lessons. It’s my way of putting a mile marker on my journal page and acknowledging, “I was here..”

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Grace, Growth and Gratitude: lessons on the journey

It’s a cooler day on the island and I’ve found myself in a varied place as we step through November.

Busy with responsibilities, in a way that feels productive and kind. Thoughtful with reflection, as I begin to do what I always do around this time each year –

Slowly take stock of what the past eleven months have brought and contemplate the changes rendered as we begin the initial stages of descent drawing us closer to the conclusion of another calendar year.

Truth be told, I haven’t always liked the lessons the past couple of years have brought, but I am trying to embrace and integrate them, so I can move forward with the wisdom learned…

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Finding Perspective in Challenge & Change

I once wrote the words March comes with a side dish of chaos. For whatever reason, I’ve found this to be true across the years.

Maybe it’s because March is named after the God of War, Mars, and Mars energy is typically fiery, willful, and can be conflict-oriented.

Maybe it’s because March hosts the vernal equinox and there’s a hectic rush of energy as the earth makes her final preparations to awaken and birth us into spring’s cycles…

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Finding Home: journeying back to ourselves

There is something about this time of year that always tugs at my soul.

When I left Alaska back in 2016 I knew that mid-August into September would always make my heart ache for my first home.

There’s something that’s a mix of magic and poignancy about the way the tundra begins to turn cranberry and the leaves go from verdant green to an olive that foreshadows the yellow to gold to bronze soon to come…

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The Red Paint of Reinvention: permission to redefine ourselves

Seems like I blinked and summer was almost gone.

June and July melted into a buttered blur or moving into our new home, decorating aforementioned new home, and allowing space for renewal, retreat, and respite after a difficult spring leading up to the move.

During this time I’ve painted the hallway green, hung pictures with precision and artful care, and sat in our yard, watching the sky turn from blue to orange each night at sunset…

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We Are The Revolution: Choosing Love One Act at a Time

Choose love.

It is the only choice you will make that will change your life for the better forever, because love is the origin of every good thing. And so, each time we choose love, we open ourselves up to that nucleus of goodness; everything else beautiful flows from there.

Learn to embody love’s universal energy inside of yourself; wrap it around you like a psychic shield which gently radiates presence and protection wherever you go…

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Purpose it To Love: Finding the Light in Challenge

Life went and did it to me again this past season – broke my heart that is. Not in the capital H Heartbreak kind of way, but more of the lowercase variety, which has reminded me that smaller heartbreaks can also be painful.

I’ve struggled to find the light quite a few times this last season.

It’s not the first time I’ve struggled, and I know it won’t be the last, but I do know from previous incarnations of struggling that if we can just stick with ourselves and stay with our process, a time will come where the light begins to break through…

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Darkness Is Magic Too

People often say, “let it go, move forwards, it’s time to put the past behind you, all we have is now.”

But it is my observation this can be hard to do when the past continues to creep into our “now” like vines of ivy stealthily twining themselves around the present moment if we aren’t vigilant about trimming them back.

Layers of grief, trauma, and ancient history from previous heart cycles and incarnations of self like to burrow into the recesses of our psyche…

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Let It Be Messy: An Invitation to Trust

April came in with strong winds, a quick breeze, and a tired heart.

I always say that March is a changeful month, and so it was.

Now here we are with a bit of springtime weather this Easter weekend as I reflect on the passage of time since we moved into the year 2021 and presently find ourselves stepping into the 2nd quarter of the year…

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Messages from Spirit: The Ground Up

Though we know it may appear chaos is swirling around you—trust that the soul of your planet, your world, and your country still lays intact.

What is happening right now is necessary change that may feel painful to you from a human perspective.

So, feel the pain. Let your heart’s break. You learn to move through this world whole and intact by allowing the light to shine through your cracks…

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44: A Moment of Ordinary Grief

My brother would have been 44 yesterday.

It’s the fourth June 13th, ‘Brent would have been _ today,’ that has passed without him here. Since we lost him at 39, I’ve often written about how he’ll remain forever 39 in my mind and how strange it is to carry on aging without him passing through the number first.

40. 41. 42. Soon 43. These are all numbers I’ve experienced without him, and I don’t really know what to make of that. It just is.

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Moving in The Direction of Love

I woke up this morning with a quiet heart, who grew heavy when I saw the headlines and reports of more rioting and violence in the United states of America.

The household was quiet—for once I managed to sneak out of the bedroom without waking the cat or the dog (both who can be quite high needs first thing in the morning), made myself a cup of coffee, and sat down on my meditation pillows as I contemplated life and watched night’s ink sky begin to streak with dawn’s silver and gray.

I lit candle. Burned a little juniper. Put my hand on my heart, opened myself to spirit…

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52 Weeks (or The Time I Chose to Follow My Dreams)

I have a tradition that I do around Memorial Day each year. It began in 2016. Memorial weekend was a total gift that year. I’d just lost Brent that January, and after a long, cold, grief filled winter, the warm sunshine and blue skies that graced the last bit of May were medicine for my heart.

So were the flowers I bought in profusion that weekend. Cherry blooms, daffodil buds, purple pansies spilling out of their baskets— I turned the front porch and back patio into an enchanted garden, and I spent Memorial Day sitting on my porch in the sunshine, writing, drawing and enjoying time with my husband and our fur kids.

I was going through a deep process of transformation at the time…

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Parachute: Trusting Our Leaps of Faith

It’s been a quiet season of heart these last few months.

The timing of the pandemic became a catalyst to a season of introspection and reevaluation, and I’ve used my time at home to try and appreciate the simple pleasures in life, search the wisdom in my heart and make space for new truths to reveal themselves.

I’ve been sorting through a lot this last season trying to see my bigger picture and continue to find answers for the questions in my heart…

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One Step at a Time: Navigating the Unknown

We have several families of baby chicks on the property right now.

The eight, who I now call the adolescents, appeared about 7 or 8 weeks back. Right around the time when the world was stopping and everybody went indoors. We’ve been feeding them and watching them grow since from tiny little balls of baby fluff to gangling, rather awkward looking teens.

The little yellow family appeared about 4 weeks ago…

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Happiness Is The Act of Being Whole

Back in January I chose 'Happiness' as the theme I wanted to learn about and grow in 2020.

Each year I choose a word or phrase whose essence and energy I'd like to better know and understand. Then as the year goes on, I begin to see what the word has to teach me, which always shows up in unexpected ways— sometimes rewriting my definition and understanding of the word entirely.

For example, I once chose “Peaceful Heart” with the intent that my life be drama free and heart healing after a previous year fraught with transition and heartache…

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Sacred Circles: Journeys in Ceremony

It’s been a week for sacred circles. Last weekend,

I married two friends in a lovely, simple, quiet ceremony by the lake. They’ve somehow found a fit after a lot of miss-fits, and it brought my heart joy to be a tiny part of assisting their union.

Later that night, I did intuitive readings for an equally lovely group of friends who invited me into their circle for the evening and allowed me to take part in their wonderful warm, loving energy (and one totally awesome cheese and charcuterie grazing table)…

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A Life of Appreciation is A Life Well Lived

It is a beautiful spring day outside. Butterflies abound. Flower are opening up. A slight breeze is helping lift the heat, which suddenly returned to the island last weekend.

We’ve fallen into a quarantine routine in my household, which is much harder on my husband (who does not like to be contained) than it is on me. I already work from home, and other than my deep need to go be out in nature, I can be quite introverted and hibernate-y when I’m in writer’s mode.

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Uncontained: Finding Myself in a Pandemic

It has taken a couple weeks to assess and understand how I’m feeling in the midst of the pandemic.

As an empath, I feel like some part of myself just went into overload and hasn’t known what, how, or when to feel these past few weeks, let alone energetically separate out what my feelings are verses others.

I suppose that’s why I feeling such a deep need to return to myself at this time and anchor into my inner guidance and spiritual connection in as many ways as I can.

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