Posts in Mental Health
Approaching the New Year With Grace

I believe a new year is best approached with a lot of grace— grace for our processes, grace for each other, grace for all the things that feel done and complete from the previous year, and grace for all that still feel undone and a work in progress.

Resolutions, intentions, and visions can be beautiful, pointing us in the direction we wish to go. But they can also feel like added pressure and a setup for failure if it’s not the right season in life or we are not in a space to follow through…

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Self-Care During the Holiday Season (a gentle perspective shift)

If there’s something about this season that doesn’t work for you, then gently think about how you could create your own forms of magic, reverence, and meaning this December.

How can you be a good friend to yourself and witness your journey? How might you create your own ritual or tradition around whatever holds meaning for you? How might you set a monthly intention that resonates with the visions you hold in your heart?

Small moments of meaning create a bigger composition of living in a way that feels authentic, real, and true to ourselves, and that is always meaningful...”

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Got Gratitude? (a few ideas for cultivating appreciation)

We often think of November as a month to focus on being grateful.

Many of us celebrate Thanksgiving/Friendsgiving and the beginning of the holiday season with the intention to gather together with gratitude in our hearts and appreciation for the abundance in our lives.

As we move into the holidays, we are presented with many opportunities to slow down, reflect, appreciate life’s gifts, and tap into the energy of gratitude in our lives.

It can be hard though—the gratitude thing. I often think that despite our best intentions, it’s easy to fall out of gratitude and into focusing on stress, all that feels wrong in the world, and whatever we feel is lacking in our lives…

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