Posts tagged mind body spirit
October Akashic Magic: Terra Firma

October of 2024: as I was opening the records, I was seeing multiple images of different kinds of land, and a very specific image that my mind's eye honed in on is a memory from a movie called "Gravity."

It is towards the end of the movie there is a space pod hurtling back down to earth, and it lands in the water, and the ending scene is the lead character getting out and getting into the water and then moving onto the land for the first time.

It's a deeply symbolic movie, and that is what I what I saw in my mind's eye as I opened the records—images of somebody taking their first steps after a voyage, and they have arrived on new ground.

And I saw the words terra firma, solid ground, firm ground...

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Self-Care During the Holiday Season (a gentle perspective shift)

If there’s something about this season that doesn’t work for you, then gently think about how you could create your own forms of magic, reverence, and meaning this December.

How can you be a good friend to yourself and witness your journey? How might you create your own ritual or tradition around whatever holds meaning for you? How might you set a monthly intention that resonates with the visions you hold in your heart?

Small moments of meaning create a bigger composition of living in a way that feels authentic, real, and true to ourselves, and that is always meaningful...”

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