Posts in Reflections
The Light of The Akashic Records

It’s not so much that I found the Akashic Records, it’s more that they found me.

Back in 2014, I heard by word of mouth about a woman who did Akashic Records readings. I didn’t know much about them, but I was open to dialoguing with spirit in new ways, and when my friend told me how powerful and helpful her reading was, I decided to reach out and see about doing one myself.

A week later I found myself sitting in a dark, quiet room at a yoga studio as the woman across from me told me about how we can access our unique soul wisdom, stored at an energetic level, through our Akashic Records.

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We Are Our Own Experts: 3 Ways to Embrace Our Experience of Self

Carrying an invisible wound inside of yourself isn’t easy. When I lost my brother in 2016, I walked around for a long time afterwards feeling like half of my lungs had been ripped out.

I looked whole on the outside. Perhaps if you looked in my face you might see the stress lines and grief in my eyes, but otherwise my appearance showed nothing to indicate the deep suffering I felt inside.

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8 Keys to Authentic Living

Last month I had the honor of being onstage in Anchorage, Alaska, giving the talk, “Transform Your Heart. Transform Your World: 8 keys to unlocking the true self.”

Being a spiritual being on a human journey is hard, and I love developing vocabulary and ideas, that illuminate my own understanding and also help support others on their path. Transform Your Heart is part of that mission and purpose, and I hope to soon give the the talk on Kauai as well.

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Message from the Birds

It’s a sunny day on the island, and though bird songs are always plentiful here, they seem to have increased tenfold over the last month. Riotous melodies and chimerical chirps accompany these words, reminding me to find the joy in day.

It has come to my attention lately, that I’m very good at getting ahead of myself in life.

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It has been four days since we said good-bye to our sweet, old dog, Samwise. He was diagnosed with cancer about a month ago, and though they thought he would have about 6 months left, things went sideways this time last week and quickly spiraled.

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It’s funny how small steps can accumulate and lead to bigger things.

We don’t always know where we are going when we take the first step, but years later we can look back and see that we were on a journey the entire time, we just didn’t realize our own destination.

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They say the best way to learn something is to teach it.

I teach grief. I already knew the language fairly well, but I learned to speak it fluently when going through the loss of my brother, and in that fluidity I took my words, wrote a book, and have been an author and voice on grief since.

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The Field

Every field and flower fades, but love is infinite. – – Melanie Chisholm

We found out today our sweet old dog, Sam, has cancer.

A beautiful morning at the beach where he laid by the ocean and sunned himself turned into a nightmare of a seizure just an hour later on the car ride home turned into rushing to the vet turned into cancer.

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Revolving Door

Change is the way of life. I try and stay open to it and let myself unform and flow and let go, though it’s not always easy and sometimes resistance creeps in at unexpected times in unexpected ways.

Our upstairs neighbors moved yesterday- we rent the downstairs of a giant home up in the hills of Kauai and they rented the upstairs.

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Don’t Look Back

These days, these days right now- they are our better days. I know it doesn’t always feel like it. I know that betimes it’s very difficult to find the good and to find the gifts.

I know that, and I often live that difficulty, relieved to fall asleep at night and simply be done with the day when something’s been particularly hard.

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Following the Flow

I just lost a power struggle with a bunch of mosquitoes while sitting out on the lanai trying to write.

They started biting, I resisted; they kept biting, I persisted; and then I realized my foot was itching with a good number of fresh bites, so I threw in the towel and bid a hasty retreat indoors.

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